Navblue PBS consultants

Most of our stuff is SSO 2FA so wives are shouldn't have your login
Yes. A friend’s spouse used their credentials to trip trade while they were flying. Eventually they received a positive space ticket, non-stop for a carpet dance. “Either you traded while operating, or gave your password to someone else to do this while you were operating?” My understanding was their shop doesn’t prohibit logging in while operating, as the scheduling software had useful functions in real time, but the act of trade was prohibited. I forgot their punishment, but the lesser of two evils was explaining it as their spouse, who runs the family schedule, but it was clear that was frowned upon.
Our trip grabbing/trading is separate from PBS and the logins are totally different. Are most airlines that way? I have heard of pilots at various airlines turning bidding duties over to their spouse, i suspect if you were to get into the nitty gritty of the infosec policies at most airlines that would be at best dubious.
Our trip grabbing/trading is separate from PBS and the logins are totally different. Are most airlines that way? I have heard of pilots at various airlines turning bidding duties over to their spouse, i suspect if you were to get into the nitty gritty of the infosec policies at most airlines that would be at best dubious.
I'm awaiting the glorious day, after J20-2025, that Management strips your bids, and just "biddies" you in order of your "seniority" (hire date). More predictably - in the absence of the rule of law - they'll just bid you in accordance with the Great Leader's love for you from day to day, relative to His move swings. Management does, after all - in accordance with your worshipful acceptance of their system- own you, correct?

Keep on playin'. The game's gonna work out just Yugely GREAT!
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Our trip grabbing/trading is separate from PBS and the logins are totally different. Are most airlines that way? I have heard of pilots at various airlines turning bidding duties over to their spouse, i suspect if you were to get into the nitty gritty of the infosec policies at most airlines that would be at best dubious.

That is above my pay grade, as we weren’t co-workers, so I’m not familiar with the intricacies of their software. As BanditDriver said, everything is TFA which complicates third party access.
I'm awaiting the glorious day, after J20-2025, that Management strips your bids, and just "biddies" you in order of your "seniority" (hire date). More predictably - in the absence of the rule of law - they'll just bid you in accordance with the Great Leader's love for you from day to day, relative to His move swings. Management does, after all - in accordance with your worshipful acceptance of their system- own you, correct?

Keep on playin'. The game's gonna work out just Yugely GREAT!
Sir, this is a Wendy's
Yeah. Don’t pay anyone outside, they won’t do a better job.
While I'm grateful for the ALPA assist, I'm on reserve this month as a result of said assistance...! My fault - I pushed the button, yet this advice remains someone's best guess at what the computer will do. Bots are bad for sure, yet paid advice is... not terrible, I think.
I’d actually like to know these so called stories of guys getting fired cause the wife was online trip trading while he was flying.

How would they know? It’s not in their budget to hire a guy who compares flights in the air versus who’s logged into the crew trade system.

At VX, I heard we had a guy fired for a specific reason. ~1 hr from San Fran, this reserve pilot logs in and sees another flight, an out and back and end San Fran later that day. Nope, he thought, and closed it out. Landed and commuter home. Flight cancelled. Now theyre gonna investigate. Did he see the flight assignment in anyway? Log in access showed he did, while airborne towards SFO. I heard he was fired for this.

That’s a case where he screwed the company and drew attention to himself. Don’t create waves, and I don’t think there’s anyone looking to hound you for trading at the same time you’re in the air. Just don’t brag about it to anyone (the whole gaining attention thing).
I’d actually like to know these so called stories of guys getting fired cause the wife was online trip trading while he was flying.

How would they know? It’s not in their budget to hire a guy who compares flights in the air versus who’s logged into the crew trade system.

To my knowledge, the stories I have been told didn't result in termination, but some sort of disciplinary action. One was at a regional with a flow, and they seemed to find every which way possible to hinder someone's flow to the mainline carrier.

The other wasn't investigated by the company until a pilot lost out of the trip and that pilot felt slighted and made a complaint after digging up the other pilot's schedule.
To my knowledge, the stories I have been told didn't result in termination, but some sort of disciplinary action. One was at a regional with a flow, and they seemed to find every which way possible to hinder someone's flow to the mainline carrier.

The other wasn't investigated by the company until a pilot lost out of the trip and that pilot felt slighted and made a complaint after digging up the other pilot's schedule.
I mean be smart, but ratting out a fellow pilot because you missed out on a trip? That’s pretty •.
I think FOMO plays a big part of PBS angst. People see junior pilots hyper-sharp shoot and trick-frack the system and it produces marginally better results. They also spend 20 hours a month tweaking their bid and highlighting the bid package with the 20 color valu-pac of Sharpie(tm) highlighters.

If you can read directions and can write a 10 line program in BASIC, you can get 95% of the result with 5% of the effort.
Have you met pilots? Especially if it makes an impact on the seniority list.
Not meaning to butt in, but I've met lots and lots of pilots. And, as far as the airline pilots I've met go: Regardless of their possession of immaculate skills and perspicacity or their entire lack of competence and SA - in cockpit, or in humanity writ large - nothing, short of (maybe) criminal activity or a fatal crash will EVER make a difference in their seniority. Even in the case of criminal activity or a fatal crash, the "impact" will be strictly base2 binary. It will never impact their relative base10 numeric position.
I think FOMO plays a big part of PBS angst. People see junior pilots hyper-sharp shoot and trick-frack the system and it produces marginally better results. They also spend 20 hours a month tweaking their bid and highlighting the bid package with the 20 color valu-pac of Sharpie(tm) highlighters.

If you can read directions and can write a 10 line program in BASIC, you can get 95% of the result with 5% of the effort.

I'm sort of enjoying the PBS game, as it were. As I get little incremental gains in seniority, it's interesting to see what I can pull off. My bid is pretty long because it's mostly aspirational.

I'm trying understand the reason codes now as it relates to HOW it decided to award my trips. My goal is to reach the point where I'm happy with my line as-assigned, so I don't spend hours/days whipping it on the trade board to something more palatable.
I'm sort of enjoying the PBS game, as it were. As I get little incremental gains in seniority, it's interesting to see what I can pull off. My bid is pretty long because it's mostly aspirational.

I'm trying understand the reason codes now as it relates to HOW it decided to award my trips. My goal is to reach the point where I'm happy with my line as-assigned, so I don't spend hours/days whipping it on the trade board to something more palatable.