As a newbie to the changer in the works...I tried to restrain myself as much as possible not to play shrink but hey its an occupational hazard (for the time being)...forgive my psychobabble folks...honestly though...I am paying my dues...slowly but steadily..busting my hump like some day fly the line......on the regional level...
TomCatter...from what I have read thus far...and the work involved to expose you is pretty significant...I have seen such cases...its not pretty when u get exposed and that causes concern...cause I don't know how healthy your ego is...or how well your coping mechanisms are...but you went to great lengths to do what you did...
I was involved with a case whereby somebody was posing as an undercover police officer...when was pretty devastating...and boy was this dude convincing...the search of his home revealed so much...even down to the unmarked Ford Crown Vic...not only was he hit with a series of charges...but similiarly to what has been displayed...indicates unfulfilled dreams...desires...defense mechanisms...etc...or more seriously a biological condition...which I doubt here...cause of your level of functionining...but hey your never know...and I certainly don't want to open up a pandora's box...but in its extreme form we call it:
Delusional Disorder;Grandiose Type--->criteria is non-bizarre delusion, subtyped to indicate inflated self-worth, power, knowledge and identity...
With that being said...Seek some guidance...NOW...forgive yourself...and read up on Paramahansa Yogananda...or else it catches up with ya...and gets even worse...and then its time for the meds...and a chemical lobotomy is not the route to go...
I may or may not get flamed...but like I said...couldn't restrain myself....and it just reminded me of a case I was actively involved with awhile back...
Nonetheless, I enjoy this site...immensely helpful with great people from all over giving there .02 cents worth...
Oh and by the guys made me ROFL...especially mtsu..av8er...
"Flying is my Mistress...motorcycling is my Bitch..."