Not if ALPA does its job they wont! Your job is to protect pilots from management, not feed pilots to them slowly and hope nobody notices.
Congress and the FAA recognize the need for experience. Dont let them forget! Use your resources to drive that point home, remind them of 3407 anytime they want to implement an MPL program. Give them alternatives, which there are plenty.
I would love to see statisitcs on load averages during an economic boom. How many jets take off half full for the same destination in rapid succession? If that bottom feeder start up cant get pilots to fly their half full jet they cease to exist, those passengers jump into the empty space on the established airline and they fly a full jet to the same destination with well compensated pilots. Everyone still gets to their destination, everyone is happy.
For an unrelated set of stats about low time pilots read "the killing zone." That's one of many reasons why I'm not pro MPL.