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I have a found love for tilt shift pictures. All were taken while flying locally in Tucson. My favorite is the little airplanes on the tarmac at KTUS.

Little Airplanes

Good ole little Ryan

This is Tucson Electric Power Plant, Note how close Davis Monthan Airforce base is its in the background.

I always get a kick out this place when i'm at Ryan airport. Its one of the most trashiest places in Tucson.
Looks like some kind of model.

Neat pics ;]
I had to look it up, but apparently "Tilt-shift photography is a creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model."
Those are fantastic! I just recently got into tilt-shift, myself; I'd say you've got it down.


  • Miniature Aeroshell Square try 2.jpg
    Miniature Aeroshell Square try 2.jpg
    82.8 KB · Views: 158
Hey adler not bad for a start if you've never done it before I myself am a novice to this new found Photoshop art. One thing that would make your picture a little better is either climb a tree or ladder to get some vertical height. Vertical height helps with the depth of the picture. Also try to dig out some decent aerial photos if you have any. Here's a link to the tilt shift tutorial that I used

For the other response true tilt shift photography does use a special lens system if you google tilt shift lens you'll see what I mean.
One thing that would make your picture a little better is either climb a tree or ladder to get some vertical height. Vertical height helps with the depth of the picture.

So I've read. I had never heard of tilt photo until today, and I don't really have any elevated pictures like that in my collection.
So I've read. I had never heard of tilt photo until today, and I don't really have any elevated pictures like that in my collection.

Hey same here I never heard of it either until about a week ago when I read another post on here thought it was cool looking and now I can's stop converting some of my pictures did you see my photo of Tucson
It has a before and after i tilt shifted it.

Here's the original post that got me started on this kick
isn't anything within the dashed lines going to be focused on?

You would think but that's not how it works exactly remember its a gradient that subtly changes from out of focus to in focus. so just because the dashe lines are there doesn't mean it's in focus it really where it starts to get focused. I spent hours and hours the other day experimenting on some photos and a lot of it is trial and error. read this tutorial it a little better then the other ones
Nicely done there adler so I see you've been playing around with photoshop. It makes a huge difference when you use different heights and angles also if you put more background the depth of the picture looks stronger.
I'm trying to do this using photoshop elements 6.0 but I can't get past the first few steps. Anybody else having problems with this?
I'm trying to do this using photoshop elements 6.0 but I can't get past the first few steps. Anybody else having problems with this?

This cannot be done in elements cause elements doesn't use quick mask. How ever google tilt-shift elements and maybe something will come up.