
RAH is down to one section, compensation. I believe youll be seeing a TA in the next few months.

I'd love for you guys to get a TA pretty ricky-ticky.

But, who knows what time of air frames you guys will be flying a year from now. Very well could be A320's or 717's.

I just hope you guys have some larger pay rates in the CBA for any potential increase in seats coming your way.
What happens when an airline gets a new aircraft and there are no payrates? I know what happens if there isnt a union, but what if you have a contract and all?
Yep. RAH just bought into F9 as a bribe to get awarded some MORE narrowbody flying. Gotta love those RAH studs, killing some MORE decent paying airline jobs.

No offense, but you sound just like a group of uninformed folks in the RAH pilot group. Everytime a word comes from the CEO they think up all these crazy ideas as to why the company made a business decision. Do you really think it was a bribe, or are you just spinning it out of frustration? I feel bad that you go through life complaining about things that you can't control.
Ok so for real, is Midex really gonna get farmed out 100% to a subcontractor, thus completely replacing an entire airline with regional feed while slapping" Midwest" on the side of the airplane and making like there's been no bait and switch to the passengers?

I mean...is this really possible? Or is the whole operation just going to go tits up? I mean I just can't even fathom this one. If this is in fact what happens, then you don't have airlines anymore, you have brands. You sell your brand, and your brand is served by whatever contractor can do it for the least amount of money. You're in effect having "mainline regionals," who don't exist for their own flying, but simply service an ENTIRE BRAND instead of providing FEED to an existing brand.

I mean does this seem crazy to anybody else? Is this REALLY possible?

I think it is. Look at the automobile industry. Domestic headquartered companies build their cars in places like Mexico and S. America, and sell under a Domestic name. Ford is selling Volvo to the Chinese who will move production from Sweden to China "to save on labor costs". Can you say destroying a brand? It's been happening already. Good luck on becoming a lawyer, I think you will excel at it.
I hope you guys do have a TA soon. Make sure the negotiating committee knows not to let slip through ANY seat configs. Payrates up to 200 seats might not be a bad idea since no one really knows what's on Bedford's mind. I could well see him trying to pick up 757s second hand (if FedEx doesn't get them first) and trying to connect mainland to Hawaii. Might not be a bad idea to have the rates in place just in case. That being said, we've been "down to a few sections" here at Pinnacle for 2 years.

Honestly, I think NWA bought into the Midwest deal to have a hand in their demise in the first place. It's no secret NWA wanted MKE, and I think they saw an opportunity. I was HOPING they'd just fold Midwest in and operate their routes with DC-9s, but that's a pipe dream now. Delta just inherited the mess as part of the merger.
What happens when an airline gets a new aircraft and there are no payrates? I know what happens if there isnt a union, but what if you have a contract and all?

Most contracts have a provision where if the company and union disagree on the payrates for a new aircraft type that they will add the type to the fleet at industry average wages and then arbitrate it.

But RAH already has E-190 in their compensation, same payrate as a 175.
Most contracts have a provision where if the company and union disagree on the payrates for a new aircraft type that they will add the type to the fleet at industry average wages and then arbitrate it.

But RAH already has E-190 in their compensation, same payrate as a 175.

It doesn't specify airframe. It specifies 60-78 seats and 79-99 seats. There's a pay bump for 80-99 seats. That needs to be fixed.