Well-Known Member
Mechs are great. Merry Christmas mechs! In my world, "mech" denotes someone who works on one particular group of airplane systems/structures, and they are pretty damned hard working in that role as well. But to MX folks writ large, we probably don't thank you enough. I can only think of a really • hot, above average E5 I once had (and there is one of them in every squadron I've been in), out there on the flight deck on a cold monsoon of a night, working as a troubleshooter because they were recognized as being the best in their shop and that is the way the Navy rewards excellence......more hard jobs. I'm in my cocoon with the canopy down, talking over the ICS to him, and can't hear everything because the wind is so high, in addition to all the noise from the jet engines that are blowing exhaust on him while he tries to talk to me. Fixed my problem after all of my basic troubleshooting had been exhausted, and off I went, down the catapult a few minutes later. There are a few of these kids out there right now, somewhere in the middle of a big ocean, doing just this on Christmas night, thousands of miles from their families.