New Member
As of 7/16/2002....Pan Am has withheld my money for the contracted 60 days. Today is the 60th day and at 9:36a.m., I called Pan Am at Ft. Pierce and requested to speak to someone regarding the return of my money. Of course I was put on hold and then transferred to the "appropriate" person. To my surprise, I got the voice mail. /ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif I left a message for this person to call me back as soon as possible that my 60 days were up and I was ready to come and get my $500.00 deposit. The time is now 12:30 p.m. and I have heard nothing at all. Hummm..one would think that 60 days plus 12 hours would be plenty of time to get my account straight and return my money. We will see, right now I am assuming that the staff is enjoying lunch, so I will make another attempt at 1:10 p.m. allowing 10 extra minutes for food to settle and people to get to their respective job positions. I will update this post later on today. STAY TUNED!!!