Well-Known Member
Um, read it again.
Middle East politics center on religion. The insurgents and Al Queda are using religion to further their politcal war on the west.
Do mulisms condemn christians? Or not?
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Not anymore than Christians comdemn Muslims. Islam teaches a more or less "live and let live" philosophy. I'll refer you to my previous example of when the Mulsims took control of Jerusalem. They allowed Christians and Jews to continue practicing their religions openly. If they really, seriously condemned them, you would have seen Christianity and Judaism banned.
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Actually I believe this took a war. I'm not totally sure on the history, but one of you history buffs will correct me I'm sure.
Kell, no disrespect to you, but Islam does not teach a "live and let live" philosophy. Very few religions do. A good case could be made that Christianity does not either (Rom 1:25:28 basically saying God hates perversion, Rev 1:20 "I wish that you were hot or cold, if you are luke warm I will spit you out of my mouth." and you can find tons of places in the Old Testament where the Jews were told to kill EVERYONE in the city.) However, the Koran is a relatively young document, written in the 5th or 6th century I believe (parts of it anyway - other books came later.) If you look up the word "infidel" you will find some pretty violent suggestions. Look up the word "reward" or "rewards in heaven." There is a lot of suggestion that your reward in heaven may be dependent on how many infidels you take with you when you die.
Is there no original religion? Or do they all copy the Bible and the God Jehovah?
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Ah, you're assuming that the Bible and Jehovah are original. They're not. Every religion dating back to ancient times has a holy book. There are even a lot of monotheistic religions that pre-date Christianity. I said that ISLAM (not all religions) copied SOME aspects of Christianity, including some of the ten commandments and Christian/Jewish traditions. A lot of religions will often incorporate practices of other religions to aid in transition. For example, historical facts cross referenced with Biblical writings point that Jesus was NOT born in December, yet Christmas is celebrated then. The Winter Solstice (a popular holiday celebrated by numerous religions) IS in December, a mere two or three days prior to Xmas often. Christmas was set in December in order to allow an easier transition from pagan religions to Christianity. Same thing with "All Saints Day" following Halloween.
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Not arguing with you about any of that, although the Bible is undisputably the oldest book around. No other book has been reliably proven to pre-date the book of Job for example. On Christmas, well I knew that when you were in short pants youngster!
Some people even think it's supposed to be a Christian Holiday! (it's not)
Christmas was put in by the Vatican sometime in the middle ages, no?
Back to my point. You said all religions were a copy. My question is this: A copy of WHAT? Since the Bible is the oldest book around, I thought maybe you meant it.
Um, read it again.
Middle East politics center on religion. The insurgents and Al Queda are using religion to further their politcal war on the west.
Do mulisms condemn christians? Or not?
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Not anymore than Christians comdemn Muslims. Islam teaches a more or less "live and let live" philosophy. I'll refer you to my previous example of when the Mulsims took control of Jerusalem. They allowed Christians and Jews to continue practicing their religions openly. If they really, seriously condemned them, you would have seen Christianity and Judaism banned.
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Actually I believe this took a war. I'm not totally sure on the history, but one of you history buffs will correct me I'm sure.
Kell, no disrespect to you, but Islam does not teach a "live and let live" philosophy. Very few religions do. A good case could be made that Christianity does not either (Rom 1:25:28 basically saying God hates perversion, Rev 1:20 "I wish that you were hot or cold, if you are luke warm I will spit you out of my mouth." and you can find tons of places in the Old Testament where the Jews were told to kill EVERYONE in the city.) However, the Koran is a relatively young document, written in the 5th or 6th century I believe (parts of it anyway - other books came later.) If you look up the word "infidel" you will find some pretty violent suggestions. Look up the word "reward" or "rewards in heaven." There is a lot of suggestion that your reward in heaven may be dependent on how many infidels you take with you when you die.
Is there no original religion? Or do they all copy the Bible and the God Jehovah?
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Ah, you're assuming that the Bible and Jehovah are original. They're not. Every religion dating back to ancient times has a holy book. There are even a lot of monotheistic religions that pre-date Christianity. I said that ISLAM (not all religions) copied SOME aspects of Christianity, including some of the ten commandments and Christian/Jewish traditions. A lot of religions will often incorporate practices of other religions to aid in transition. For example, historical facts cross referenced with Biblical writings point that Jesus was NOT born in December, yet Christmas is celebrated then. The Winter Solstice (a popular holiday celebrated by numerous religions) IS in December, a mere two or three days prior to Xmas often. Christmas was set in December in order to allow an easier transition from pagan religions to Christianity. Same thing with "All Saints Day" following Halloween.
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Not arguing with you about any of that, although the Bible is undisputably the oldest book around. No other book has been reliably proven to pre-date the book of Job for example. On Christmas, well I knew that when you were in short pants youngster!

Christmas was put in by the Vatican sometime in the middle ages, no?
Back to my point. You said all religions were a copy. My question is this: A copy of WHAT? Since the Bible is the oldest book around, I thought maybe you meant it.