Keratoconus. A walking eye problem


Well-Known Member
Among all the problems with my eyes, I have Keratoconus. I just spoke with an AME and he was basically telling me that between strabismus and keratoconus that the keratoconus would probably be more the issue for me; that is bitter sweet!

Has anyone personally or know anyone that has had issues receiving a class 1 medical with a keratoconus diagnosis?

Thank you,

It is a case by case basis. You will need a waiver from your eye doctor. How severe is your KC? Is it correctable by glasses still? If it gets to the point where you need RGP contact lenses,take a good look at scleral contact lenses. they are much larger in diameter than regular corneal RGP contact lenses but once you get used to them they are so much more comfortable. Unfortunately for me the KC is so advanced in my left eye that my medical was denied