Today while on break from class I ran into an old friend. I hadn't seen her in a year. Well she was walking with one of the nerdiest looking guys I have ever seen and He asked me what my major was. I told him it was computer and information systems..........then he asked me what career field I would like to go into...................And I told him I would like to fly for a living.....................Turns out that this guy was in law school because he got furloughed from Continental after the 9-11 tragedy..................I explained to him the method at which I planned to make this a career, and he told me to forget the civilian route and go military, thats when I told him I have no desire to be in the armed services even though I considered it at one point in time.......................It also turns out this guy also flew F-18's in the Navy and still flies them in the reserves.............................This same guy also preceeded to tell me that I wouldn't have a shot at a major for 10-12 years..........I told him that's fine because I would be happy to instruct, fly freight, instruct, fly for a regional, instruct, fly a cargo plane full of rubber dog • out of Hong Kong for the next 10-12. He sighed and told me that my chances are very slim to ever get the shot at a 121op. When I asked him how bad of an economic situation we are in right now he told me that if the airline industry were to turn around today, he probably wouldn't be called back for 2 years! When I asked him will he return to Continental when he eventually does get called back, replied probably not....
Just some thoughts
Just some thoughts
