John and Martha... the true story!!!


Well-Known Member
ok... I really need to know the truth about Martha and John.

good sex?

good drugs?

found the light of God?

I was watching one of my flight school's KING videos in the lounge last night, and I was astounded at how..."happy" they were during the most serious of IFR maneuvers. In fact, Martha NEVER stopped grinning through her entire lecture, and making these witty comments rooted in the television show "leave it to Beaver.."

John happily chatted away while performing an unusual attitude recovery.. "oops, hahaha well, by golly martha, I guess I'll have to use my inverted V scan better next time..." "yes John <smiling> that would be just dandy!"

The whole thing seems to make me wonder if they are not doing some Sat Night Live spoof of themselves combined with a Martha-Stewart-personality touch.

It's a good thing John...
Yes Martha...

hmmm maybe this is an idea: a parody on the King Videos for SNL! WOOHOO!
Perhaps the FAA approved Prozac for flight crews?
I like it when (in the Cessna Pilot Center IFR course), John demonstrates a hodded stall recovery. He pulls up the nose for a power on.. and when the horn honks for one NANOSECOND, he pushes down and spouts about the recovery.
Do you remember that show "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" You know, the one that had all these girls pimping themselves out to some guy because he's rich? Anyway the guy had some friends and relatives on a 'panel' of advisors to help him make his decision, and who was on that panel but John & Martha King! It's the only reason I watched the show. Okay, I only made it through the first 20 minutes before it just got too stupid and I had to watch something else, but I thought it was interesting this guy had J & M as personal advisors.
I like it when (in the Cessna Pilot Center IFR course), John demonstrates a hodded stall recovery. He pulls up the nose for a power on.. and when the horn honks for one NANOSECOND, he pushes down and spouts about the recovery.

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That's me all the way!!!! FIRST INDICATION!!!!

Flight instructors (or should I say 'other flight instructors....
...I still feel like I'm doing something wrong when I say that!) laugh, but I go by the book!!!!

If you ever want a REALLY entertaining video, watch the "Flying The Citation" video. Aw,'s a hoot!!
I just got my Comm exam course in the mail today, I also got that "Flying the citaion" video. Ya its cool, but it shows its age, I mean they are still calling San Diego App. and calling it a TCA. With all the money the rake in you would think they could make some up dates. But I must say their exam courses work for me.
I agree. I am currently using thier PPL interactive CD ROM course to brush up on my PPL knowlage before I go take another PPL Written. I think they did a good job with the course. It is very thourough(SP?).

I would have to agree that they seem a little too happy about everything... but I don't think people would want to listen to someone who has even the slightest negative attitude.

The one guy I can't stand is the broad shouldered, younger guy. He reminds me of a news anchor. I have heard he is a good instructor, but his EXTREMELY lame jokes make me want to dump him out of the airplane at 6000ft AGL. I have to fight myself when I feel the urge to stop the lesson after a really bad joke.
He calls her "captain" how many times in that movie.

I got my Citation type rating from the same guy that gave it to John and Martha.
He calls her "captain" how many times in that movie.

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Wonder when else he calls her captain....
Kinda makes you wonder if they are really that corny and chipper in real life. Or if they are just putting on a HUGE act.

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I'd vote for the HUGE act!

They sell their products like hot cakes though...
I heard a statistic somewhere that over 50% of pilots flying today learned from their courses. They are quite funny however and I swear that when I get the time I'm going to make a .avi or windows movie or something out of clips so we can all sit around and goof on it

"and make mine a sasparilla" <---your laughing right now if you saw that video more thing. Ever notice that they never mention the C word? CRASH!! They are always artifically happy and say "stalling on a base to final turn could really ruin your day" Or "and that would make for an unpleasent experience"
Yeah you'd probably die!! Never heard em say that
He calls her "captain" how many times in that movie.

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Wonder when else he calls her captain....

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bad visual, bad visual, bad visual, bad visual
They're so happy because you buying their course helped make the payment on their Falcon jet

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I thought they were flying a CJ1?

At least that is what I saw them taxi past in when I was leaving Santa Rosa a few months back, me in a Warrior or some such. I waved, and they both waved back as they past me while turning in to park. Commented to my passenger who they were, and he said cool. Didn't have the digicam with me, but if I remember, said king schools on the tail, and had a cool tail number like N1KS or somethin' like that.

They both looked EXACTLY the same as in all their videos. Think they only own a few shirts from the 60s, and spend on their money on new planes
They had a Citation until a few years ago, now they have a Falcon. Their old Citation is now owned by an adult video store chain.
Their old Citation is now owned by an adult video store chain.

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I hope they don't sell John and Martha King videos...