Is this the game on the AT-SAT

Well...I call them games all the I don't really care...

...but I have trouble believing that you couldn't think of the term "scenario" since it's actually in the title. Also, "simulation" is just an hop and a skip from scenario and is probably the best term to use.

Forget hunting online...Just get the green book and use the programing. It's worth it.
Or you could skip all that and just take the test. Afterall, it isn't really a test you are supposed to study for :)
Or you could skip all that and just take the test. Afterall, it isn't really a test you are supposed to study for

Not going to happen. Need to study for everything that is important. Although, I do like your strategy in telling other people not to study so they do worse and you look it:sarcasm:

...but I have trouble believing that you couldn't think of the term "scenario" since it's actually in the title.

Yea, true. I guess I was just bored and currently lacking any motivation toward the simplest thoughts. lol. Kinda tired...

Anyways, thanks guys!
Although your theory in why I would tell you that is quite off. I have not taken nor do I have plan to take the AT-SAT.

I also stated that because of several different reasons:

1. I know people that have purchased green book and still FAILED the test (and by failed I mean didn't even get a 70). I know others that did NOTHING to prepare and got in the 90s. Read on here a bit and you will find I am not applying and my husband is already in OKC. Why on EARTH would I want someone to do worse and/or not do good on that test? I honestly wish you the best and have no ill feelings towards you (I have not clue who you are...and I don't hold ill will to anyone really). I just don't think you need to waste your money and time.

2. This test was designed for RAW skills not for skills you train and train and train for a better score on. It is an APTITUDE test. I know everyone studies for it but my guess is that most of the time it is wasted. I would love to have the money and ability to actually test that theory! I have talked to MANY here in OKC, most did not studying for the AT-SAT, got in the 90's and are now here training.

4. If you really want help, work on hard analogy problems.

Example: Stain is to taint As Milk is to 1- ice; 2- silk; 3 - word

The answer would be is an "ilk" like milk. stain as an "ain" and so does taint.

You have about 30 seconds per analogy to figure it out.

Sorry for crappy analogy...had to think of it fast and off the top of my head. If I think of a better one or one that is closer to that which was on the test after asking some different people, I will post it instead! :)

5. Study reading gauges, basic math IN YOUR HEAD and angles. Studying those would help. All other things are honestly aptitude driven.
^^hehehe taint
that games pretty good prep for the scenarios section of the atsat
couple things to consider when playing
on the atsat you have to reclick a plane for every command, no multiple commands.
the direction of the airportsm does not change during a scenario during the atsat
the game is continuous, the atsat senario only changes every 7 seconds
the atsat senario only changes every 7 seconds

you make the game sound really easy. lol. but im sure there will be challenging parts. I Just hope I can even get the chance to take the test!!

PubNat 8, please step up.


Dont you worry. I was only kidding about what i said.

Remember to tell him to get on here when he finishes and tell his perspective of the whole thing.

And tell him good luck!
I will tell, but I doubt you will get him to grace us with his presence. He does read on here but he is a lot more active on Stuckmic (more controllers and such).

As for his experience. You can read his blog. He writes about different things about the class on it. I also provided a first week update in the training section...I asked him about his first week then typed it up on here. This weekend I am going to have him script his thoughts on Basic since he just finished and I will post that up in the training section for people to read his take on Basic training. I will do the same with Radar and Non-Radar training.
Not going to happen. Need to study for everything that is important. Although, I do like your strategy in telling other people not to study so they do worse and you look it:sarcasm:

Yea, true. I guess I was just bored and currently lacking any motivation toward the simplest thoughts. lol. Kinda tired...

Anyways, thanks guys!

Studying can't necessarily hurt you I suppose, but some things you're just good at and not. I for example didn't study a lick. Aside from the scenario test and the totally bizarre letter factory, the other stuff is fairly straight forward. I would say the biggest thing is don't psyche yourself out. People in my test group were losing it at times. I don't know how many times I heard "s**t" muttered under the breath of the two people next to me during the scenario test when they crashed a plane (they had their headphones turned up, and let's just say everyone knew when a plane crashed).
Although your theory in why I would tell you that is quite off. I have not taken nor do I have plan to take the AT-SAT.

I also stated that because of several different reasons:

1. I know people that have purchased green book and still FAILED the test (and by failed I mean didn't even get a 70). I know others that did NOTHING to prepare and got in the 90s. Read on here a bit and you will find I am not applying and my husband is already in OKC. Why on EARTH would I want someone to do worse and/or not do good on that test? I honestly wish you the best and have no ill feelings towards you (I have not clue who you are...and I don't hold ill will to anyone really). I just don't think you need to waste your money and time.

2. This test was designed for RAW skills not for skills you train and train and train for a better score on. It is an APTITUDE test. I know everyone studies for it but my guess is that most of the time it is wasted. I would love to have the money and ability to actually test that theory! I have talked to MANY here in OKC, most did not studying for the AT-SAT, got in the 90's and are now here training.

4. If you really want help, work on hard analogy problems.

Example: Stain is to taint As Milk is to 1- ice; 2- silk; 3 - word

The answer would be is an "ilk" like milk. stain as an "ain" and so does taint.

You have about 30 seconds per analogy to figure it out.

Sorry for crappy analogy...had to think of it fast and off the top of my head. If I think of a better one or one that is closer to that which was on the test after asking some different people, I will post it instead! :)

5. Study reading gauges, basic math IN YOUR HEAD and angles. Studying those would help. All other things are honestly aptitude driven.

Blake -

Do what you feel comfortable with as far as studying goes but I sort of agree with teetee that it is an aptitude test...but if you have the time then I'm sure it won't hurt to study! Good Luck!

I didn't study at all because I figured if I failed then I wasn't cut out for the job...if I passed then maybe I had a shot and would see how far I could get in the process. Might not be the best way to look at it but that's what I did!
Blake -

Do what you feel comfortable with as far as studying goes but I sort of agree with teetee that it is an aptitude test...but if you have the time then I'm sure it won't hurt to study! Good Luck!

I didn't study at all because I figured if I failed then I wasn't cut out for the job...if I passed then maybe I had a shot and would see how far I could get in the process. Might not be the best way to look at it but that's what I did!

I dont know, people study for their polygraph test when they get into law enforcement. That test is strictly about telling the truth, why would anyone need to study?

Well, because like anything else, it's a test. It's to test different abilities, i agree. However, if you really think that this one test can tell you whether or not you have the abilities to be a controller, you're simply mistaken.

Theres plenty of people that have failed the test that i'm sure could make it as controllers, just as theres plenty of people who have passed this test that cant make it as controllers.

I'll say it again, they cannot determine you're able to cut out for this job for a career by taking a 6 hour test.
If you can't do're going to crash and burn (no pun intended)...but if you CAN do it and you DON'T study...It could be the difference between a q and wq score, which will effect you getting a job.

There is nothing to "learn", but you need to familiarize yourself with the test format, especially the simulations.
Ill definatly be studying. I believe that its going to beneifit me if im familiar with the test. It will get your mind ready for the test which will help one think more like the test is designed to make you think. Hope that makes sense to everyone.
Or you could skip all that and just take the test. Afterall, it isn't really a test you are supposed to study for :)


It's not anything you can "study" for really. If you can read directions and follow them, it's pretty damn easy.

If you suck at math you may want to practice doing math in your head.

I don't know exactly how you can practice the analogies section, those are about 10x harder than any analogy I've ever seen, even on the MENSA test.

It's not anything you can "study" for really. If you can read directions and follow them, it's pretty damn easy.

If you suck at math you may want to practice doing math in your head.

I don't know exactly how you can practice the analogies section, those are about 10x harder than any analogy I've ever seen, even on the MENSA test.

He's totally right. if you can do quick calulations in your head, you're gonna be fine. if you can look at angles and estimate what they are to within 10 degrees, you'll be alright. And the analogies are bizarre. Defintions, rhyming sounds, and letter combinations. Enjoy. But just know, totally blowing one or two questions isn't the worst thing. Hell, crashing a plane won't kill your score. I definitely did, and I still did pretty well.
I'll also add, people profiting off ATSAT "study guides" are modern day snake oil salesman.

Jeremy Justice simulations withstanding as they are free. Just be cautious as the actual test doesn't work exactly like that version so don't memorize those directions (unless it's been changed).
I'll also add, people profiting off ATSAT "study guides" are modern day snake oil salesman.

Jeremy Justice simulations withstanding as they are free. Just be cautious as the actual test doesn't work exactly like that version so don't memorize those directions (unless it's been changed).

I saw the book AFTER I took the test, and all I can say is, save your money. Aside from practicing for the simulation (which didn't appear helpful to me, as the two are entirely dissimilar) it's definitely not worth what they're charging.
Analogy problems were the hardest part of the test, but I do not think they are weighted heavily when determing your final score. I think I nailed every picture analogy but would be surprised if I got half of the word ones correct, but I scored a 97 on the AT-SAT. It would be awesome to know exactly how each section is weighted, I would assume the "easy" parts like dails and math are not weighted heavy as most people can complete it near perfect. The scenarios and letter factory are probably weighted more, also do not disgard the 70 question survey at the end of the test, most people don't seem to worry about it, but I bet its almost like a mini-MMPI and the scores are looked at and can seperate candidates when pannels make their selections.
How could you call it a game? Those blips will eventually mean a plane full of people from somewhere.... What if you killed a plane full of Japanese? How would you feel? And you have the nerve to call it a game....

Just Kidding....Yea its similar but little slow....