New Member
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a Southwest captain about professional flying, the path to the right seat and the current state of aviation. When I told him I dreamed of changing professions to aviation he said I should go for it. In his opinion now is the perfect time as it's such a long road to the right seat (or other flying gigs). It left me with a few questions:
How much truth do you see in this arguement, is now really a good time? I've seen some of the estimates regarding the number of aircraft the various airlines have on order and how many pilots will be needed in the future but how long will it take to absorb all of the furloughed pilots and allow me and all the thousand ahead of me to move up the aviation ladder?
How much truth do you see in this arguement, is now really a good time? I've seen some of the estimates regarding the number of aircraft the various airlines have on order and how many pilots will be needed in the future but how long will it take to absorb all of the furloughed pilots and allow me and all the thousand ahead of me to move up the aviation ladder?