I am now officially a cargo pilot! WOo Hoo1

[pipermechanic] Over-engineered Cessna pile of crap! [/pipermechanic]
But I hear good things from all the guys that fly it. Congrats!
Fire Weather Watch for us Friday - Sunday.....I am sure Spokane NWS will end up running the "Red Flag" up the pole when the light show is more predictable.
The only guys who do that are the guys who never slogged it out in the trenches flying complex piston singles in the weather with no radar. Outside of Alasakastan and crop-dusting, there's nothing more hardcore in 'Murica. If I run in to a guy in a 207 (or 206, or 210, Cherokee Six, etc etc) on the ramp, I don't just say "hi", I fight the urge to bow down to his Manly Virtue.

Come winter, old boy, mind the Ice. This ain't no CRJ with its Nancy heated wings...
Flight Express, errr Airnet is hiring a guy is St. Louis I heard! You can be masculine again! :)