I am now officially a cargo pilot! WOo Hoo1

I won't be in it in winter...or past tomorrow. I was just helping out. I never flew an rj, though. I was a Bro driver...that is a different animal... I may do it a couple times more this fire season, but my primary mission is still air attack.
what is it with the "safety vest"? It was just about as stupid as reflective belts for all pedestrians on base in Afghanistan...just about.

I got too hot in that thing...I think it's safer to not wear it.
#protip- wear your safety vest or they will have a stroke and make sure not to tag one of the 16 cones they put around your airplane "for safety".

UPS does, in my faint memory, get rather unpleasant about this sort of thing. Then they yell at you for not flying through a line of level 6s to get the "product" there on time. Oh, UPS, you do make me smile. In a mean way.
I got too hot in that thing...I think it's safer to not wear it.

Good friend of mine had to do a rugdance in front of the unit CO for removing the ceramic inserts in his "flak jacket" and replacing them with cardboard. In Iraq. In the Summer. I'm not sure how it actually went down, but I have this wonderful picture in my head of my buddy getting ready to mount up and the E-8 or whatever sniffing out that he looked a bit light in the chest-area. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Oh the lulz that Life gives us.
I always new you'd be a real pilot someday! :p

Congrats, we need beers soon my friend.
one could only hope...so where's my cookie?

Do watch the hot spot there in LWS coming off of 8, crossing 30. If you look at the way the hold short markings are painted, you cannot clear runway 8/26 without an incursion on 30.