I am now officially a cargo pilot! WOo Hoo1

A C207! I was filling in so the owner could have a couple of days off. My aircraft was released from the forest it was assigned to and I go home Thursday. I do the UPS run again tomorrow. Lewiston to Grangeville.

I was also flying a fire patrol out of COE today rframe wherever you are!

Outstanding. You seem to find some of the coolest gigs.
I am a packmaster...luckily I have been a musician all my life...
We should have a Coeur D Alene meet and greet. I could do a bike ride out there. What's your schedule like Dale?
I once put a 207's tail on the ground. After shutdown. With people in it. We all just laughed as I let the guy out of the back first. Was just hoping the boss didn't see. He did....
Hey DE727UPS , I'm heading for home on Thursday until we get another fire dispatch for the 337...if nothing's going on I may come back in about ten days. I will advise.
Thanks for stepping up man. Only thing worse than doing that run is sitting in my office teaching you how to do a W&B. Hah! Seriously though if you weren't here we wouldn't have been able to do the central zone recon.
I liked it...but I don't think it's a career move for me LOL. I did bust a sweat. It is amazing to see how guys flying turbine equipment can look down their noses at you when you roll in in a lowly piston single. I actually found it funny...oh I see, you're a big time Ameriflight pilot? OK, thanks for just ignoring me and walking right by. The guy today was actually very nice but the guy yesterday is no one I'd want to spend a day with.

Thanks for stepping up man. Only thing worse than doing that run is sitting in my office teaching you how to do a W&B. Hah! Seriously though if you weren't here we wouldn't have been able to do the central zone recon.

As far as you're concerned...thanks for getting me back on the right page...I was thinking how can I be so off?

I enjoyed my time doing that fire flight, Roger remembered Tanker from the Abilene tanker base in 2011...I showed him a photo (that one that shows how huge he got).
He told me a story about Tanker I hadn't heard before too,so that was neat.
It is amazing to see how guys flying turbine equipment can look down their noses at you when you roll in in a lowly piston single.

The only guys who do that are the guys who never slogged it out in the trenches flying complex piston singles in the weather with no radar. Outside of Alasakastan and crop-dusting, there's nothing more hardcore in 'Murica. If I run in to a guy in a 207 (or 206, or 210, Cherokee Six, etc etc) on the ramp, I don't just say "hi", I fight the urge to bow down to his Manly Virtue.

Come winter, old boy, mind the Ice. This ain't no CRJ with its Nancy heated wings...
I did a re-position flight for my company this weekend in the 402. Part 91 so no training required. Here's the keys make it work. I've not flown anything other then the metro in the past two years. Flight was sketchy at best and I loved every second of it. I missed slugging out North Dakota winters and thunderstorms in the summer in that thing.

#protip- wear your safety vest or they will have a stroke and make sure not to tag one of the 16 cones they put around your airplane "for safety".