New Member
I am just so fed up with our FBO and this is why I wanted to move but OH WELL.
Last week, out of 5 scheduled flights, *3* were cancelled! One was because the prior student went over his time and would have made my husband's instructor late for something if they had gone. One was because the plane was at the 100 hour. And I don't remember the other. Now today another flight cancelled for the 100 hour again. Is this typical every where or WHAT? How do you deal with this? It's not a big deal on an individual basis, but when you look at a whole month of 5 days a week scheduled, that's a total of 20 days, he is probably only getting to fly about 12-13. And as soon as we get into December it will just get worse since the bad weather will be factor. Is this one of those things you just have to put up with or should he do something about it? Some places, if you cancel an appointment, you have to pay $20. Well I think if they cancel his flight, he should get a $20 credit!