

Beware the blue juice...

My dad, an old OSU grad, is a couple miles north of ICT, and not doing well. I wish I were there.

hang in there, something is better around the corner.

Thanks, note taken on the blue juice!

My thoughts are with your dad, as a fellow Poke - we're all family. I hope things turn around for him and your family.
RJ's are easy to load!
Except when you're riding the belt loader up, and you hit your head on the left engine...

...so I've heard.
Eh, don't get too discouraged. We'll probably get underbid a few months down the road by someone else, anyway. :)
Any ex or current rampers have any tips on how not to get the poo all over oneself when cleaning out the lav? :D


Congrats! It can be a fun job. When you hook up the lav hose tug on it two or three times to make sure you hooked it up correctly. That way you'll never have the nasty stuff poor on you.