

I'm here to help...
Just a ramper position for ASA... (or multi-use customer service, baggage, de-icer, lav cleaner :D) But, in these times I'm pretty happy to find a job that will supplement my CFI wages. And afterall a foot in the door never hurts when the hiring starts again!

Any ex or current rampers have any tips on how not to get the poo all over oneself when cleaning out the lav? :D

well I never had to clean out the lav so I can't help you there but I will say that my days as a ramper were fun. You get to be around airplanes and maybe even make some pilot contacts! Have fun and congrats.
congrats man.

one of my friends worked this kinda stuff for a while, if he has any tips I'll let you know
Hey there! You're in Wichita?? I know a couple of agents there, we were in the same ramp training class in December.

I'm a Cross-Utilized Agent at our Fayetteville, NC station (FAY). Can't give you any advice on the lavs. Lucky for me, our station doesn't handle that. :D

Welcome to ASA! If you have any questions about training or anything else, I'll be happy to answer them. Do you know when your ramp class date is yet? Hopefully you'll get "Super" Dave Johnson as your instructor...he is hilarious!
Just a ramper position for ASA... (or multi-use customer service, baggage, de-icer, lav cleaner :D) But, in these times I'm pretty happy to find a job that will supplement my CFI wages. And afterall a foot in the door never hurts when the hiring starts again!

Any ex or current rampers have any tips on how not to get the poo all over oneself when cleaning out the lav? :D


If I wasn't furloughed, I would get your resume and send it through if ASA were hiring. That is if you are a good person. :buck:
Any ex or current rampers have any tips on how not to get the poo all over oneself when cleaning out the lav? :D
I could tell you all about 747 freighters, but unfortunately have no experience on CRJs. But I gotta tell you, having a biffy dump that's above people's head can generate some stories....
Stand upwind and make sure everything is good and secure, pull the plunger and watch the confetti flow! Congrats on the new job.
Thanks for all the congrats guys... I'm really looking forward to it strangely, it'll be hard work but the people seem great.

Flyingmaniac -- thanks for the thought! :) I might have to take you up on that one day. Hope they call you guys back soon, I'd love to work for ASA once things turn around.

Flyingofficer -- PM sent
Well... I guess I got my first taste of how fickle this business can be. Before heading to the airport this morning at 4:00am I get a phone call saying they got outbid by Pinnacle for the flying out of ICT so... I guess I'll only be working there for about a month and a half.

Oh well, I'll do it for the cash and name on the resume I suppose... crazy times we're in.:panic:
Sorry to hear that. We lost 7 stations last night:

And that's on top of:

We haven't won a single bid on any of our stations yet. They've all gone to Mesaba and Pinnacle, with a couple given to Comair.
Well... I guess I got my first taste of how fickle this business can be. Before heading to the airport this morning at 4:00am I get a phone call saying they got outbid by Pinnacle for the flying out of ICT so... I guess I'll only be working there for about a month and a half.

Oh well, I'll do it for the cash and name on the resume I suppose... crazy times we're in.:panic:

And the experience should be worth it even if it is only short term. My days spent working the ramp have/will help me in the long run. Hopefully you can find something more long term.
Any ex or current rampers have any tips on how not to get the poo all over oneself when cleaning out the lav? :D

Just two. Make sure you have a bucket and gloves when you do it. Also be careful when you open the valve because you never know what will happen and make sure you have the tube on when you open it. Sometimes if a lav is not working because of something in it keeping the dump valve open, you'll never know if it will be a little bit or a lot comming out. I have seen that happen when I had to check an inop or leaking lav when the lav guy came to clean it out.
Congrats! I'm a gate agent for Skywest and I have to say working for a regional is a lot of fun. Very young and relaxed crowd, plus my buddies on the ramp who have worked else where say loading CRJs and Brasilias is ridiculously easy. Plus, the best part is, if you ever do something really stupid, the passengers won't blame ASA, they'll blame Delta.
Thanks Ccrl for the lav rundown! :D

And thanks to everyone else for the well wishes... guess I could always check with Pinnacle since they'll apparently be picking up some more flying here :rolleyes: ... not real sure I want to fly for them though, and that was the main focus of this -- a foot in the door.

Beware the blue juice...

My dad, an old OSU grad, is a couple miles north of ICT, and not doing well. I wish I were there.

hang in there, something is better around the corner.