high school senior need advice!

Thanks everyone for your input.

I am kind of confused though because I've been getting a lot of mixed responses. (Not really from this thread, but in general). Some people are saying to go to an aviation school becuase it's better structured and the quality of training is better. Also there are opportunities for interships at some airlines that help you get your foot in the door. And as for the loans... you can always pay them back a little bit each month over a long period of time.

Others are saying do your flight training at an FBO. The airlines don't care where you get your flight training and its a lot cheaper. You'll be screwed if you rack up a massive debt from going to an aviation university.

What I am clear on and will do regardless of which route I take is I will make sure I have some sort of fall back outside of aviation in case I lose my job or can't fly anymore.

Again everyone thanks a lot for the responses and if you have any more input that would be awesome! :)

Then mission accomplished by both sides. You have both perspectives and now are more equipped to decide for yourself, we can't do that for you.

The key is becoming a rounded and educated person who can function in society and as a bonus still have a fulfilling job, or at least something to hold ya over, if the aviation thing doesnt pan out.

And thats good advice for ANY profession.

Don't be a one-trick-pony!

Good luck.
I am kind of confused though because I've been getting a lot of mixed responses. (Not really from this thread, but in general). Some people are saying to go to an aviation school becuase it's better structured and the quality of training is better. Also there are opportunities for interships at some airlines that help you get your foot in the door. And as for the loans... you can always pay them back a little bit each month over a long period of time.

An aviation school might be better structured, and might have better training. Find a good FBO and a good instructor, and you will always get better training under a part 61 program. Internship? Meh. Might help you a little bit, not worth the cost of the school though. The loans? Oh the loans. Yeah. DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO MINIMIZE YOUR DEBT.
I graduated high school last year, and for the longest time I thought I was going to UND. As I started to meet pilots who had gone through the program, I was advised repeatedly that if they could do it all over again, they wouldn't take flying as a course, they would go to a cheap college in a place that didn't suck, learn to fly at an FBO, then ultimately instruct while they get through school.

So here I am, 18 years old about to take my private check ride, attending the local community college(This semester cost me under $100) with plans to transfer to a local state college, living at home to be able to afford flying, and working as a slave to the public at Skywest Airlines to pay the flying bills and get my foot in the door for some networking. Looking at my friends who went the other route and are in Riddle, UND, or any of those other schools, I am much happier, and I enjoy my flight training much more.

Its your decision, however, would you rather spend 5 years(I hear no one gets it done in 4) in freezing boring North Dakota flying around to boring little airports in the region you've never heard of all while paying a huge tuition. Or would you rather go to your local community college, live at home, and fly around an area you actually know and would like to explore all at your own pace while still having a life outside of school and flying? Perhaps I'm a little bias, but thats how I looked at it myself.

Just my $.02.
In the past I've hopped on the "go to a sweet state school, have fun, major in something you like, and do training at an FBO" train, but man if I could rewind 5 years, here's what I would do.

Enlist in the Air National Guard. You'll get free or discounted school, go to some sort of tech school, serve your country when your bozo friends are playing their 90th game of beer pong on the weekend, and set yourself up to pick up a Guard or Reserve UPT slot down the road. If you decide the military is not for you, finish your degree, finish your commitment, and now your resume has a degree and the gravitas of being a prior serviceman. If you didn't use all the government bennies on school, you may be able to get some VA help with flight training too (it may be one or the other...your recruiter can fill you in better than I).

There are down sides to be sure and you'll want to think about those, but seriously...explore this option.
Enlist in the Air National Guard

Don't scare the kid! :laff:

Joking aside from HS Sr. to Sr. and you would like to go to college right off the bat, go to state school in something else besides aviation and train at a local FBO.

I'll take the broken record off now.