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Thanks everyone. Ophir, I just write the sentences complete and go over grammar. I am in English 1 Honors which is in 9th grade, but my teacher pushes us to what he usually teaches, 12th grade AP classes.
Good to see you got that whole log in thing fixxed up and welcome to jetcarees Brian...........
Welcome guys. Just a piece of advice: if you're young, if you want to be an airline pilot, get a four degree and fly part time. The degree should come first. And don't major in aviation; that's useless! Unless you really can't get motivated to study anything else, pick a major that will get you a pay check after college! Good luck!
While I do agree with the getting the Bachelor's Degree, I think getting the degree is the hard part, making money after graduation is the easy part. I guess I have been lucky, I have found it easy to make good money and have met some well connected people in the process.

This isn't an attack on you mavmb1, but a degree in aviation isn't useless. There are thousands of jobs that don't require a degree in that specific market, all they are looking for is that you can check the 4 year degree box. For instance, last year I was Palm Springs for a vacation and I met a real estate investor and I mentioned I was interested in that. I talked with him for a couple hours about it and ended up seeing him a few times while I was there. He offered me a job whenever I want to come down there. I was like sweet but then I asked,

me: "Do I need a degree? Any training from an outside source?"

him: "Son, what I do there isn't a thing any school could teach you. The U.S. college system is going down the tubes and they don't teach real world material. Anything you need to know will be taught by me"

me: "I completely agree with you that college stinks."

This guy was a professional golfer (still is, doesn't play much) and holds a Masters Degree. The job would start out at around $75,000 a year and go up from there. I was in shock. I am seriously considering this job because 1) pay 2) New Bonanza they purchased last year for business travel 3) potential for more aircraft in the future

I guess what I am trying to say is get out there and meet people. Just like Doug says, Network Network Network. It is so much who you know and not what you know.

Yes, I am a commercial aviation major with a minor in management. Every business class I have ever taken has been a huge waste of my time, along with most of my aviation classes too. If you want you major in aviation, do it because you like it. If you wanna major in business, do it because you like it. Don't do crap that you won't enjoy, because a 4 year degree will end up taking you 6 years because school sucks when you don't like what you do.
or you can take 6 years because you can't make up your mind on what you want to do (like me) started as an engineer, went to being an architect and am now going into anthropology. notice my degrees got progressivly more useless, though I think I might like to try my hand at social work with the anthro degree. (anthro for the record is not archeology i'm not digging stuff up)
whatever you do - just deal with it and take the 6 years (in something you enjoy of course) and get the piece of paper! haha