Heres a strange question for ya

You mean know one goes through and makes the cockpit spick and span after each flight!

Thats pretty gross too doug. Its the "other items" that I would be worried about.

My biggest worry would be having it blow back in. At the FBO I rent from someone trie to barf out the window and a alot of it blew back in. Most of it stuck to the right elevator and when the landed there was a pink crust that was very hard to wash off.

I know of a crop duster who just went on the floor and then just pitched up to let it run out the drain in the tail....gotta love that smell on those 90 degree days...
Im going to agree with Ccapt and Jason on this one.
This is certainly a must think about item. When you have passengers on board in an airplane that doesnt have a lav, you just got to hold it, and thats misserable. Like these guys say you got to plan ahead. What i do is carry some mints with me so that if my mouth gets dry in flight i dont have to drink anything.
I actually had this happen on a recent flight, and the worst thing now is with GPS you have ETE: 2:00 staring you in the face and you know there is no way youre going to get there any earlier. But when it came time to fly the appr. I forgot about it.
Plan ahead!
Going out the window probly wouldnt work. Probly just blow back in on you and that would be gross.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, so is that why so many of the rentals smell like p**s?
I remember reading about someone carrying diapers (depends) and pads along to relieve himself in.

I thought that was pretty crazy but a great idea.
shoot, i used my nalgene bottle this summer.... it was actually the coolest thing ever..... i was very proud of myself.
The JC disclaimer - I do not want to see, hear, view any reports and/or NTSB reports where JC members have put their 'ding ding' out of the window to urinate and got carried away, enjoyed it too much, and stopped flying the airplane. The new saying is Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, and then ejac...... no I can not write that. Sorry.
HAH! Thanks for the disclaimer Iain! Actually, why don't you just bring life savers with you, so then when you get thirsty pop one of those in.
shoot, i used my nalgene bottle this summer....

[/ QUOTE ]
Please tell me you no longer use it to carry drinking water.
On my way back from Reno Air Races a few weeks ago, my students dad, who was paying the bill, didn't want to stop in fresno and wanted to do direct. I had to go when we left Reno, the whole way I had ETA 3:05 staring at me. I tried reading the POH along the way to keep me busy. Then the damn thing once went from 1:18 to 1:25 ??????
Finally when we got out of the plane I was walking to the bathroom with my back at a 45 degree angle. Couldn't run, it hurt too much. Man I gotta go now that were all talking about it!
This is starting to remind me of the Dumb & Dumber scene where Lloyd was filling up all those empty beer bottles...
I was on a long x-cntry once and had to go BAD. I decided to dump out a 20oz bottle of water I had along and "use" it.

Filled it up–but wasn't done...had to empty the bottle out/fly the plane/hold it in for another round.

Luckily--didn't spill a drop.

Here's a tip: dump the bottle in the back corner of the window all the way out, and it won't spray back in.

So the moral is: don't drink a x-lg coffee before a long solo, but if you do, bring a bottle that's big enough.
You didn't get it all over the side of the plane and on the horizontal/vertical stablizers? Would have to have one heck of an explanation when you land and there's pee stains all along the side of the plane...
I'm sure it did go all over, but at 90kts, was a fine mist.

I didn't notice any stains on the side when I landed, but the plane was pretty old and filthy to begin with.
Geez, wash everything else you touched too. I am surprised that hand, foot and mouth diesease isn't more common as often as guys are "handling" themselves and then touching other stuff.