Time is Time. In your equation you would be legit in representing your experience as 1600hrs.
Now it is a seperate issue on how a potential employer looks at the break down on your experience. They may require a certain amount of fixed wing experience for a fixed wing job, this could be company driven or more likely an insurance issue. The opposite is true if you were looking for a helicopter job, they would be interested in total experience but for a helicopter job they would need to satisfy a certain experience level.
My experience is +/- 6000 hrs., with 1000 hrs. Helicopter time. I might find it hard to get a helicopter job that advertises for a pilot with 2000 hrs. experience required. They would in that case be specifically looking for a pilot with 2000 hrs. helicopter time.
I know a guy that had 3000 hrs. experience with about 200 hrs. in fixed wing and only about 30 or that in multi engine but he still got hired by a regional. The reason here I believe is the majority of his Helicopter time was Military and the balance was flying single pilot IFR for a hospital program.
Hope that explains it a little better for you.