Heart or vascular trouble - Medical History

Thanks. Me and the doc are on it. I'd like this put to bed this month so I can resolve this before my first class physical.

I'm leaning toward being stressed out at this point. I'm working less right now and relaxing and focusing my thoughts on enjoying each day versus focusing on exceeding my career and life goals. I also loosened up my financial budget and goals to allow me to go out and enjoy life more. It'll just mean a little more on a school loan but that is more acceptable than stressing out to the point where it might physically be a problem. All this has reduced stress greatly. I'm already feeling a little better and more relaxed.
So I meet the doc on the 15th to discuss any next steps if he still thinks I need to do a stress test. Interesting enough, the whole onset of the shortness of breadth and chest tightness seems to be stress related. I am working no more than 40 hour weeks and making myself get at least 6 hours of sleep each night (up from much less at times). I am also going to start with a personal trainer next month if I continue to feel this good. Today for the second time now this week I was able to climb my 4 flights of steps to my office a few times and not feel completely winded. Still not perfect, but getting much better. And the discomfort is not constant anymore, it's real sporatic. I'll see what the doc ultimtely thinks on Friday, but I'm thinking it really was mostly if not all stress related at this point. I still wish I could do the stres test to be certain, but it seems insurance companies who are not out for your best interest run out medical system and not the docs who truly care any longer. Time to move to Canada? Ha, never, too cold!

Oh, and since out friendly flight surgeon here always seems to think woman help us men stay healthy, he might be onto something! I'm thinking it might be the 20 year old I went out with this weekend that cured me. There will not be another weekend with her since she seems to be having some after thoughts of her weekend of complete debauchery, but the memory might just keep me young and healthly for the next 33 years of my life, which is well past retirement age! :nana2:
So today I finally got to run the tredmill (non-nuclear though). After 12 minutes of running, a post run EKG, and him watching me and my vitals closely through the whole thing, the doc concluded that the chest pains are not from any cardiovascular problems. I barely broke a sweat, even at 175bpm with blood pressure that looked very high to me but he said was normal for that level of excercise. So good news all around, even though I still have the symptoms but they have been getting better slowly as I relax more and make slight life adjustments.

His final advice was simple:
1) REDUCE work related stress and self imposed stress from being too focused on goal deadlines since that is most likely the problem I might have.
2) STOP eating tomatos, spicy foods, and mexican food late at night since it might be heart-burn. He suggested to take the purple pill for 3 months to see if that helps; if not he's still in favor of me being a ball of stress that needs unwound. I'll skip the pill thing for now.
3) DRINK MORE water and have a couple glasses of wine each day.
4) STOP drinking on average 25-30 plus mix drinks at the club I frequent 3 times a week since that might be causing some of the issues.
5) BEGIN a regular exercise plan; join a health club and get a trainer for 3 days a week since I tend to be lazy and unmotivated when it comes to working out.
6) STAY with the 20 year old girl friend, it'll keep me young and reduce stress.
7) I'm healthy and successful, so I should take easy, worry less, and enjoy a long healthy life.
8) Go be a pilot, stop waiting (wish it were that easy, but next Fall will be here soon enough).

Signing off on this one...

That is great news. I would try the pill for 3 months though.
I agree with his advice, now you just need to follow it or you wasted your money:)

Merry Christmas.