Hangar prices in the Dallas/Ft Worth area

Oh yes, CA they say it is the ungovernable state and I'm beginning to see why:banghead:

Yep...I heard that the number of people that have left CA in the last year far exceeded the number that had moved there in the previous 3 years and the numbers are only getting larger. Do you think it's the crazy cost of living costs? Perhaps the taxes? How about the effective state government? Just a couple of guesses. At any rate, keep 'em coming... 'mo money, 'mo money and MO MONEY!!! :rawk:
Yep...I heard that the number of people that have left CA in the last year far exceeded the number that had moved there in the previous 3 years and the numbers are only getting larger. Do you think it's the crazy cost of living costs? Perhaps the taxes? How about the effective state government? Just a couple of guesses. At any rate, keep 'em coming... 'mo money, 'mo money and MO MONEY!!! :rawk:

It's because of the taxes, cost of living, and the state government:D This is one state that is just screwed from top to bottom.
I'm seriously worried about that these imigrants will ruin our country.

And I'm not talking about Mexicans.

Well, I must be truthful about this. I am not a Texan and have no desire to stay here beyond my service requirement, so as far as the wife making fat cash off of them...it doesn't bother me in the least bit. Now, if they were going to TN or OK, I might be a little upset. I will NOT miss having people cut me off and flip me off and then see the California tag on their car. We call the Stone Oak area "Mini-LA". They could seriously have a "Real Housewives of Stone Oak" and it would be a mirror image as the "OC" ones. Sorry they are messin' up your land...it sucks, doesn't it?
I just love the generalizations considering the people described are a select few and there are many Californians that respect others and their property that don't like the trash that infests this state. Might as well start implying that all young black men are gangbangers.

P.S. - The trash designation doesn't go away with money, status, or the like.