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And I suppose that the obvious is not your forte.......

User A - moleman
User B - BroncsRule

I'd introduce the two of you, but something tells me you have already met.

Now for the veiled threats, good luck with that.

If you have something to offer the thread in regards to ATP/Gulfstream/PFJ then feel free to do so. If the only thing you have to offer is echoing, moleman save the keystrokes.

Wrong again. I see a pattern developing here.

Most, if not all, of my posts have been on the GIA subject. I came on here and asked a simple question for clarity. I was assaulted. You blame me for retorting?

What I see is a thread that was started only to bash someone else. When I ask a question on the subject, I get bashed. When I disagree, the town bullies "take off their Moderator Hats" in a flourish and jump into the fray. When I persist, I am accused of conspiring with someone else. If anyone disagrees with you and your buddy's then they are provocateurs. Amazing.

You are the one who has yet to address the GIA issue, not me.
Wrong again. I see a pattern developing here.

I came on here and asked a simple question for clarity. I was assaulted. You blame me for retorting?

What I see is a thread that was started to bash someone else. When I ask a question, I get bashed. When I fight back, I am accused of conspiring with someone else. If anyone disagrees with you and your buddy's then they are provacatures. Amazing.

Aside from this self-licking ice cream cone we now have going on here; the original issue regards VA bene's or not has been answered.
Wrong again. I see a pattern developing here.

I came on here and asked a simple question for clarity. I was assaulted. You blame me for retorting?

What I see is a thread that was started to bash someone else. When I ask a question, I get bashed. When I fight back, I am accused of conspiring with someone else. If anyone disagrees with you and your buddy's then they are provacatures. Amazing.
Luckily participation is completely voluntary.
There, that's better. That almost made sense. Right on the subject too.
You've contributed so much to this thread. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your endless sarcasm and weak attempt at playing the victim.

You've dismissed out of hand anyone who doesn't immediately agree with you. You're right said so. Anyone who doesn't agree with you gets sarcasm or flamed or threatened with lawsuits.

Feel free to leave any time. Or register a third account and continue this charade.
You've contributed so much to this thread. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your endless sarcasm and weak attempt at playing the victim.

You've dismissed out of hand anyone who doesn't immediately agree with you. You're right said so. Anyone who doesn't agree with you gets sarcasm or flamed or threatened with lawsuits.

Feel free to leave any time.

One of the great things about maturing, as you will see someday, is that I don't look to others to decide when I should do anything.

What have you contributed to this thread with the seven sentences you have posted?
There really isn't much to contribute to the PFJ topic but this.

This is very, very simple.

If you are making revenue for a company you should be getting paid. That's it. Nothing else. The litmus test is that simple.
One of the great things about maturing, as you will see someday, is that I don't look to others to decide when I should do anything.

What have you contributed to this thread with the seven sentences you have posted?
Besides honestly replying to your first post? Which you then used (poorly) to pretend you were being dismissed and are the victim in this horrible thread?

At this point, I'm just waiting for the thread to get locked. Obviously you are too experienced and too smart for these forums. Maybe when you're suing us all we can learn from your brilliance.
Just that simple.

Very easy to understand, very easy to apply.

What is it with the ATP forum section here? Constant problem after problem. Time was, about 5-6 years ago, that the old PanAm forum held that distinction.

Guess the trophy has been passed......
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