Great Student!


Well-Known Member
Wow I love instructing....

My newest student is a CFI's dream. He is motivated, intelligent, seems like a natural at the controls, and above all - HE STUDIES! This makes life so much easier.

So far he's only had 4 lessons but I would say he's already way ahead of the curve. His next lesson is tomorrow and he called me today saying that he was heading out to the airport with his recently purchased handheld scanner to listen to the traffic in the pattern.

He sent this email to me on his return:

It was great to sit out and listen and watch at the airport today. I think I will make a habit of it actually. As I understand more and more of this stuff the more and more I find I can't stop thinking about it. I have several questions on some observations I made this afternoon. I am really looking forward to tomorrow, I hope the weather is looking forward to it as well.

Now there is one highly motivated student. I hope all CFIs can get students like this! Just thought I'd share.
Most definitely! I have two of those guys and they are an absolutely blast to work makes you want to go an extra two miles for them. So nice!

No Way! April 1 was over a month ago! He studies, calls ahead, shows up motivated? That sounds about as likely as an attractive woman that likes to cook, loves sex, and hates shopping. :crazy:

Congrats on the find.
So far he's only had 4 lessons but I would say he's already way ahead of the curve. His next lesson is tomorrow and he called me today saying that he was heading out to the airport with his recently purchased handheld scanner to listen to the traffic in the pattern.

I read this and got a little scared! Only because in my experience, even through college flight school, if the students are really good the instructor is "easier" on them. Make sure you give this guy some challenges and make him/her think nice and hard each flight, maybe go more technical with what is happening or hold him/her to higher standards. The FAA recommends with sharp students that you make it more challenging, listen to them they are dead on with that assessment (unlike many of their other crazy ideas *cough* eights on pylons *cough*).

Good luck, enjoy, and instructing is awsome!
Those are like a breath of fresh air in the stanky world that flight instructing often is.
For me it is a student who falls in the Projection and Rationalization category.
Mix that in with a bad character and attitude and then all I can say is, "See Ya". :bandit:

How bout the student thats 120 hours in and has 8 first solos and still on occasion tries to taxi with the yolk?

Edited: Yoke to Yolk for traditional purposes!
Ive had a number of students that really made the experience quite enjoyable.

I would say I had a smaller number of people who didn't care than people who cared.

It might have been the 141 environment however. :)

I would say for every 10 students I had, there was 1 who needed some prodding.
A bad student is one who is convinced that he/she knows more about how to fly than the instructor. The guy/gal who argues with you CONSTANTLY about how it is power for airspeed and pitch for altitude because that is what his grandpa told him and he owned an airplane thus making him buddies with Orville and Wilbur. I just want to slap these people!!!!! Can I get an AMEN?!?!?
And guys.... what about the students in the multi? that opens a brand new story of "trying to kill me"....

Along those lines you have the guy who has a buddy flying right seat in a single pilot jet who knows everything BECAUSE he's flying a jet (albeit a single pilot one).

"Ok, but my friend said that it should be done this way...and he flies a jet..."

Along those lines you have the guy who has a buddy flying right seat in a single pilot jet who knows everything BECAUSE he's flying a jet (albeit a single pilot one).

"Ok, but my friend said that it should be done this way...and he flies a jet..."
Style the people that were trained at JetU...:):D
I would say I had a smaller number of people who didn't care than people who cared.

It might have been the 141 environment however. :)

I agree and disagree lol, I found that at the college 141 environment (where we had about a 50 percent washout on the first semester) there were many less dedicated indivuduals. Now if your speaking 141 out of college then I would agree, these people (like the part 91 guys that I deal with now) often are paying for this, not mommy or daddy. So they tend to put the work in as long as you give them work to do and appear to be working for them then they work for you. At least in my limited experience.

Anyone else comment on this? I am kind of curious to see what other instructors are finding with students willing/not willing to do the work.
I agree and disagree lol, I found that at the college 141 environment (where we had about a 50 percent washout on the first semester) there were many less dedicated indivuduals. Now if your speaking 141 out of college then I would agree, these people (like the part 91 guys that I deal with now) often are paying for this, not mommy or daddy. So they tend to put the work in as long as you give them work to do and appear to be working for them then they work for you. At least in my limited experience.

Anyone else comment on this? I am kind of curious to see what other instructors are finding with students willing/not willing to do the work.

You are right. When the training costs come out of the student's pocket, it looks like the student is working harder and much more dedicated.