"I just wanted to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you!"
Congrats! I quit in the end of '07 and haven't looked back. Stick with it and you won't be able to remember why you ever smoked in the first place.
When I quit, I only tried one cigarette- cause I used it as an opportunity to start aconversation with a cute gal- I decided to cut bait and run insteadExcellent! My best advice is (as simple as this sounds) is to never buy another pack. No pack, no smoke. You might find yourself bumming one from time to time, but eventually that will fade (and your friends will think you are a moocher.)
As long as you never buy a pack you'll remain a non-smoker.
and good job
Thank you, everyone, for the support and good wishes. It's been a week, and I really think I've got this thing beaten. Already, running is easier (go figure!), my skin is softer, and I've put $45 in the bank (how much I would've spent on smokey treats). Gonna have a helluva vacation a year from now!
Thanks again!
Sweet, I also quit. Im going on week one as well. I think Im home free. I already hate the smell of it.