Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at all


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am going to do this. I have always been interested in aviation, and things of that nature. I have heard and done my research. I have heard that sheffield is one of the best and will really prepare me well for the career. Am I crazy??
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Stickks, I'm in the same situation as you are and will be heading to Sheffield this summer. It's likely that many of the experienced dispatchers who are on this forum will offer their own feedback on what they've gathered about Sheffield's reputation. I was thinking about going to Jeppesen in Denver or iFOD in Dallas, but here's why I sent my registration into Sheffield earlier this week.

Never in two months of meticulous research (online and by word of mouth) did I hear anybody utter a single negative comment about the school. This bears consideration since I often heard disparaging comments about some of the other schools out there (coming from students both of Sheffield and other schools, in addition to some reputation the school has built at a few airlines); that Sheffield gives you the training you need to be an effective dispatcher for your career... they do not just teach you the basics and hone your skills at passing the FAA exam, they seem to go above and beyond to give their students an `edge' in the practical, day-to-day aspects of the job.

I had the wonderful opportuinity to visit the Air Ops center of a major airline and dropped Sheffield's name as my preferred destination for training to several people, just to gauge their reactions to the word. Turns out the air operations manager that oversaw my visit went there and the best way I could describe her initial reaction was if she was reminiscing about some long lost lover. Sighed and smiled, almost dropping dead in her tracks and spoke of the program with noticeable reverence. Yes, she is a graduate so she's a little biased. The reactions I got from other dispatchers in the ops center were also positive- pointing out which dispatchers in the room had attended (I should mention that this airline offers the top pay scale for the industry here in the U.S.).

Every graduate I've spoken to personally about the school has emphasized the rigorous nature of the course. The aforementioned manager called it the most intense 6 weeks of her life. I took confidence in that. As a student I would want to learn as much as I could and would wish to attend an institution that is going to give me as much as possible for the money I'm paying. In terms of establishing a career, the last thing I would want to do is go somewhere that handled training of such an important and skilled job with kid gloves.

You can find plenty of comments about the school in various forums if you search well enough and hopefully you'll read some more in this thread. Let me just say that those testimonials littered all over the Sheffield website are to be taken seriously- more than just a marketing tactic (I actually wrote a testimonial to Eric with that line, lol). The fact that so many airlines send their personnel to them is quite a bit of testimony in and of itself. Keep asking around and I'm sure you'll hear and read what I have and who knows, maybe I'll see you in class.

p.s. From a personal standpoint about my convictions that this is the right school: I abhor the state of Florida, I had to live there once and couldn't wait to get out and have had absolutely no desire whatsoever to step foot in that state once more. As a matter of fact, I'd probably rather eat some disgusting concoction of insect matter (a la Fear Factor) than ever blind my eyes with the glowing putresence of South Florida. My passionate distaste for that place runs deep, as you see. Yet, I'm actually going to bite the bullet and spend six weeks of my life in that filth-hole just to go to Sheffield. Res Ipsa Loquitur.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

I have also checked out Jeppesen and IfOD. While Jeppesen seemed like it might be a good school, IFOD seemed like a joke. They spend half of the class (3weeks) studying for the adx test. They have no computers, and it is not held in a perminant facility. Jeppesen seemed ok, but I really want to be prepared for the job, and not just pass the test. Sheffield seems to have the best reputation, and they give you tons of hands on experience. As for the location, I dont mind Florida, and I am looking forward to having a beach nearby.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Ok, I am going to do this. I have always been interested in aviation, and things of that nature. I have heard and done my research. I have heard that sheffield is one of the best and will really prepare me well for the career. Am I crazy??

Well it depends on where you live. If you live close to or in FL, then I would say thats a great school to go; however, if you are choosing Sheffield based on its reputation rather than the geography, then I would say your nuts. Find a school thats close to your home, this way you don't have to break the bank for 6 plus weeks then still have wait for a job opportunity, then have additional moving expenses. Based on my financial situation, I choose IFOD in TX rather than Sheffield because I wouldn't have gone broke as fast in TX than FL. I passed the written, aced the practical and oral, two minutes after shaking hands with the FAA examiner, I was offered two jobs, one from Great Lakes and one from Xtra Airways. Point being, any school you go to will still train you to pass the written, oral and practical. As long as you get the license thats all that matters. Employers don't put on their hiring requirements "Candidates must be a graduate of Sheffield, others need not apply." There looking for those who have the license. Trust me, THEY WILL test you to make sure you know your stuff. As far as being taught the latest equipment in the airlines today, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Your employer will train you. Try not to get too fixated on trying to learn whats out there because if you learn something thats not being used by a company you work you, its not very beneficial. Last thing I'm going to tell you, be ready to only make $12-14 an hour to start. Dispatcher pay for regionals and 135 carriers pay very little for dispatchers. We are under paid and overworked. Everyday I walk into the office well before the start of the business day and realize that I work the hardest and yet one of lowest paid in the company. The MX Controllers that work next to me, make double of what I make and work far less than I do. Just my 0.02.

Good Luck on your endeavors

Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

I have also checked out Jeppesen and IfOD. While Jeppesen seemed like it might be a good school, IFOD seemed like a joke. They spend half of the class (3weeks) studying for the adx test. They have no computers, and it is not held in a perminant facility. Jeppesen seemed ok, but I really want to be prepared for the job, and not just pass the test. Sheffield seems to have the best reputation, and they give you tons of hands on experience. As for the location, I dont mind Florida, and I am looking forward to having a beach nearby.

Your wrong. Theres nothing wrong with IFOD. At one point I thought about what you are thinkinh too, but I soon learned that passing the all the tests should be most important and not worry about learning the latest and great in the industry. I graduated from there and was offered two jobs that weekend.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Ok, maybe I am, but Im just telling you my impressions of the place. I am getting a loan to pay for school anyways. As far as money, well, I have been unemployed for over a year, so I am just looking to get a career going. I am aware of the pay. But based on what I have seen, Sheffield seems like the best, and has the best reputation. I live in Dallas. I have visited Jeppesen in Denver, and Sheffield, as well as IFOD. I got the best feeling at Sheffield. They gave me references of students that had just graduated, have a really nice facility, and were nice to me. They returned all of my calls and emails very promptly. Jeppesen was nice, but I am not a big fan of Denver. Communication with IFOD was difficult at best. They were horrible about returning messages, could not give me any references, and when I visited the facility, the person I talked to didnt seemed that interested in me or talking to me. I really like Fort Lauderdale, and I like the fact that while I am there, I can go to the beach. Based on all of that, I think I made the right decision.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Ok, maybe I am, but Im just telling you my impressions of the place. I am getting a loan to pay for school anyways. As far as money, well, I have been unemployed for over a year, so I am just looking to get a career going. I am aware of the pay. But based on what I have seen, Sheffield seems like the best, and has the best reputation. I live in Dallas. I have visited Jeppesen in Denver, and Sheffield, as well as IFOD. I got the best feeling at Sheffield. They gave me references of students that had just graduated, have a really nice facility, and were nice to me. They returned all of my calls and emails very promptly. Jeppesen was nice, but I am not a big fan of Denver. Communication with IFOD was difficult at best. They were horrible about returning messages, could not give me any references, and when I visited the facility, the person I talked to didnt seemed that interested in me or talking to me. I really like Fort Lauderdale, and I like the fact that while I am there, I can go to the beach. Based on all of that, I think I made the right decision.

Theres been some changes going on at IFOD. I keep in touch with them often and yes they are hard to keep in touch with at times. I'm pretty sure that it is not a very good impression for you. But if you live in Dallas, I would highly suggest you stick with IFOD so you don't have to move to FL and wherever else the job takes you, unless you can afford it.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Actually, I am looking forward to being in florida for 6 weeks. I do have a 11 and a 14 year old, but they are in good hands with my ex wife. As far as potential jobs, I do realize that I will probably have to relocate for a while, and I am ok with that. My life the last 2 years has been kinda crappy and I need this kick in the ass to get out of this rut.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at


Sheffield is a good place I was there from April-May 2006.

But being a dispatcher for a 121 carrier is still "different" from school.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Well of course it is. I do realize that. But you have to start somewhere, right? I have to go to school first, and then get a job somewhere to get some experience. I am aware. Im actually looking forward to the experience.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

if you are choosing Sheffield based on its reputation rather than the geography, then I would say your nuts.

Right, because one wouldn't want to go to Oxford or Harvard when you've got the University of Dayton nearby.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

All I was trying to say was that I have visited all three schools, and the best one in my opinion looked like Sheffield. It looks like I am going to the next class in April.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

This is all really good information. I am glad I found this site. It definately helps to get a better perspective on what I am about to do. Although I have been in a whole other career the last 15 years, I really feel that this is what I was meant to do, and I am going to go for it 100 percent. I have always been into aviation, flight sim, weather, maps, navigation, and things of that nature. I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger. I am probably too old to become a pilot, but dispatching is definately something I could and will sink my teeth into, and I feel that I have picked the best school to start it at.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Right, because one wouldn't want to go to Oxford or Harvard when you've got the University of Dayton nearby.

Apparently you haven't read where this guy's from. This guy lives at most 30 minutes away from a school that I went to and succeeded in getting my license. I don't know how you compared a dispatch school to a major university because relocating to a school where you're only going to spend a few weeks compared a presitgious university where you spend at least 4 years is hardly a logical comparison. Logistics is the key to this business. When I spent 6 weeks in Dallas (North Richland Hills to be exact) it cost us over $2,000 just for living expenses and bills ALONE. Not to mention the cost of relocating to Elko. I've also been very much involved in the hiring process of new dispatchers up here and not once was I ever concerned about what school the candidates went to. As long as they pulled out the license that had their names on it; moreover, we quized the candidates to see if they new their stuff. I'm sure that it probably cost alot more to live in FL, especially if someone has financial responsibilities back home. The bottom line is this, if you can afford to do all this moving ON YOUR TIME AND DIME then more power to you, but I wouldn't expect to get relocation assistance from your employer.

By the way, love the sarcasm, very professional.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

mission, I cannot speak for kev, but he was just giving you his opinion. I am sure your experience at IFOD was fine. What I am telling you is that from what I saw there, I would not attend that school. The people I met acted like they didnt care, and I was very less than impressed with their facilities. The fact that they dont do any hands on training does make a difference to me. It might not to you, but it does to me. I am making my decision based on factors that I have decided, not what anyone else has decided. If I want to relocate on my dime for 6 weeks, that is my deal. Reputation does have alot to do with picking a school. There are alot of factors that have alot to do with it. I made my decision based several factors. In my opinion, Sheffield is the best, and I dont think kev was wrong for his statement. Didnt you tell me I was an idiot in one of your earlier posts for going to florida when I have IFOD in Dallas? What is up with that? You dont know me. And while I dont know you, you have yourself said that you hate being in Elko, and you want out. I tell you what. When I am done with class, I will gladly take your job! I will move anywhere to get the experience. I am not trying to pick a fight with you, just saying that I am 100 percent behind my decision to do this. I will do what ever it takes to succeed.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

mission, I cannot speak for kev, but he was just giving you his opinion. I am sure your experience at IFOD was fine. What I am telling you is that from what I saw there, I would not attend that school. The people I met acted like they didnt care, and I was very less than impressed with their facilities. The fact that they dont do any hands on training does make a difference to me. It might not to you, but it does to me. I am making my decision based on factors that I have decided, not what anyone else has decided. If I want to relocate on my dime for 6 weeks, that is my deal. Reputation does have alot to do with picking a school. There are alot of factors that have alot to do with it. I made my decision based several factors. In my opinion, Sheffield is the best, and I dont think kev was wrong for his statement. Didnt you tell me I was an idiot in one of your earlier posts for going to florida when I have IFOD in Dallas? What is up with that? You dont know me. And while I dont know you, you have yourself said that you hate being in Elko, and you want out. I tell you what. When I am done with class, I will gladly take your job! I will move anywhere to get the experience. I am not trying to pick a fight with you, just saying that I am 100 percent behind my decision to do this. I will do what ever it takes to succeed.

Who have alot to learn in this industry on reputation. Trust me you'll find that out once you start working, it won't matter. Reputation comes once you start working in the profession. With the economy in bad shape, get as much education as economical as possible. Please quote me when I called you an "idiot" because I don't recall ever calling you that. You did come to this forum to ask for advice on whether or not you're nuts for going to FL to attending Sheffield did you not? You came to ask experience folks like myself for our opinnions. That is exactly what I'm providing to you, my opinnion. Do I care where you end for school, not at all. If going to FL for school is what you want, do whatever floats your boat. You didn't get a good feeling from IFOD, ok I understand. And if you think your going to get a better training experience at Sheffield then go for it. Sheffield is a great school and I'm sure you will get everything you want from that school. I've been on this forum for awhile giving guys like you my opinnions based on my experiences and so will the other fellas like manniax. But don't ask for advice if you don't like what you're going to hear. By the way, my spot has already been filled but I'm sure we be hirig again in the near future, since turnover in dispatch is very high.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Agreed. You did not call me an idiot..You said I was nuts. Believe me, I am not taking it personally. Im just responding to what you said to that other guy. He was just giving his opinion. No biggie. Good luck to wherever you end up.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Yes, no offense to iFOD or any other school.

My comment was a generalization on the sound, non-crazy merits of choosing a school based on reputation rather than proximity.
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

I think you're all nuts! :D

Glad this part of the forum hasn't blown up yet.....lord knows I have enough to do policing everywhere else! :)
Re: Going to Sheffield to be a dispatcher...no experience at

Agreed. You did not call me an idiot..You said I was nuts. Believe me, I am not taking it personally. Im just responding to what you said to that other guy. He was just giving his opinion. No biggie. Good luck to wherever you end up.

I wouldn't call you or anybody idiots. Yes I think your crazy (nuts) for moving all the way to FL versus sticking to Dallas, but you did ask :crazy:. Don't take anything personally around here, we're all here to help. I'm glad to hear that your getting into the profession though. Dispatch is a fun job to be in. If I could find something in PHX besides Mesa, I would stick to the job but I've got other plans for a career in this industry besides dispatch that I'm working on.

Good luck on your endeavors, and feel free to PM me if you've got any questions. I'm here to help
