Going, going, ASA is gone.


New Member
Well everyone ASA, is being sold to skywest for 400+ million.
Any thoughts? Where does this leave Comair? Rumor is Comair may be going to Virgin, Anybody have any ideas?

Inquirying minds, or whats' left of them, want to know.
Well, last year the rumor was ASA was going to be bought by Virgin, but, according to Virgin America's website they have an order in place for and plan to fly Airbus jets so that does not seem like quite the fit.

Plus I'm pretty sure that VirginAmerica is having all sorts of problems getting underway because we've been hearing about them for 2 years and nothing has come to pass yet. Also, I believe there is some law that requires any us airline to have majority ownership in the US. I think that is one of the problems they are having, and would cause problems with buying a us airline.

So whether Comair gets sold or stays is anyone's guess. Getting bought by Virgin, seems like just a big rumor.

BTW, I thought you said you were at Comair.
Well, last year the rumor was ASA was going to be bought by Virgin, but, according to Virgin America's website they have an order in place for and plan to fly Airbus jets so that does not seem like quite the fit.

Plus I'm pretty sure that VirginAmerica is having all sorts of problems getting underway because we've been hearing about them for 2 years and nothing has come to pass yet. Also, I believe there is some law that requires any us airline to have majority ownership in the US. I think that is one of the problems they are having, and would cause problems with buying a us airline.

So whether Comair gets sold or stays is anyone's guess. Getting bought by Virgin, seems like just a big rumor.

BTW, I thought you said you were at Comair.

[/ QUOTE ]
Remember, I only said I will see you all very soon at Comair. I'll just leave it at that.

Also, Comair (The Airline) has excellent customer service, to the point as to where if you have a dispute with thier school (On the local level at SFB)and its' not being handled properly,again from a previous post you know who to call in CVG. Case Closed and I'm satisfied.
Remember, I only said I will see you all very soon at Comair. I'll just leave it at that.

Also, Comair (The Airline) has excellent customer service,

I'll see you at gate 67 at MCO. Make sure you make those gate announcements so we can understand you. Make sure you bend your knees when you are throwing the really heavy bags!!!
Remember, I only said I will see you all very soon at Comair. I'll just leave it at that.

Also, Comair (The Airline) has excellent customer service,

I'll see you at gate 67 at MCO. Make sure you make those gate announcements so we can understand you. Make sure you bend your knees when you are throwing the really heavy bags!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

You assume to much. And in this case, your wrong. Sorry to dash your hopes, but I don't start something and not finish it.
I think they are all Gate 60 and then they have lettered doorways...A-H I believe, or something like that anyway.
Exactamundo! We have Gates 60A-Q and 93R-U. We'll also be gaining 91, 95, and 97. All will have multiple parking spaces.
No such gate exists

You're right they did change it to 60A-Q. Gate 67 does not exist anymore, just like FatBastards FO Job with Comair.
How long was that...couple of weeks? Guess that pushed the civility of some to the maximum. Maybe with training we can make three weeks next time...everyone get your fingers crossed.
it's pretty bad when I get a telephone call from one of my best friends and the first three minutes of the conversation is about the DCA forum.
Should get a slogan, how's this: DCA Forum, helping start conversation with friends since 2005.

I like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

In lieu of beer?
You mean "...helping white folks dance since the fall of the Roman Empire"?
No such gate exists

You're right they did change it to 60A-Q. Gate 67 does not exist anymore, just like FatBastards FO Job with Comair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tomahawk, you are quite the character. You are not qualified to even begin to say what I have or don't have. What gives you the right to open your mouth and speak about me or anyone else on this board for that matter?

You want to speak about something, talk about why all those instructors bailed on the academy.(and went to Regional) Talk about why you are so cererbrally challenged and can spout off your mouth about things you don't have any clue as to what your talkin about. Talk about why the actual hiring of CFI canidates is around 20% ( As told to me by a good friend and a CFI stage check pilot who still works for the academy and was told to make the stage checks stricter because of the back log of students who really aren't needed or don't want to go to Houston or New Bedford so fail them over anything.)
You want to spout off your mouth, start yappin.
Its' obvious you have a problem with me- is it because I tell it like it is? Is your life so unfullfilling you have to talk this bullmanure so students that were there and weren't getting thier problems solved on the local level were told to go call Fred Buttrell ? And so you attempt this personal attack? Why?
What's your problem Tomahawk? Tell everyone about it and oh by the way, you never know by the time you get to Comair who will be sittin on your left. Can't wait to meet you Tomahawk, Its (for you) gonna be a looooooooooooooong trip.
What's this about a year of probation for new F.O.'s and well, I hope you perform well.
I will give you this courtesy, don't bid your trips with me and stay away from telling certain people who you really are. Thier are captains who really don't like the DCA Arrogance some of you display. Like yourself and I'm sure you know of one Arrogant bastard who thought he knew more than the Captain he was flying with. He is no longer employed with the company. You really ought to watch your attitude, hawk. In this career, its' EVERYTHING!!
Make sure you bend your knees when you are throwing the really heavy bags!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Please tell that to the next ramper you see. And be sure to extend the handle on your carry-on before you do so that it'll be easier to remove from your butt.
For your information too, Tomahawk, there are a lot of F.O.s' and Captains who started at their airline by throwing bags and customer service.
I have a HUGE amount of respect for those people that started that way and so does their airline. Look at H46Bubba. You want to put him down because he has chosen that path for his family? He's not given up on his dream and I'm glad to see he is still pursuing it.

So why don't you tell all the F.O.'s and Captains who started that way why they, are somehow inferior to you.

Can't wait to hear your response.