Going from private jet flying to freight dawging again...

Apparently, we used to stay there, and still do for shorter stays. Since it's a long stay, they put us in the Candlewood which has a kitchen and free laundry. It works out decent.

Also, that's our sim schedule. 2 hour brief prior, and usually 30 minutes after. Then we always wait on the taxi. Plus studying during the day, and that time gets eaten up pretty quick.

Oh I totally get it. For Monday, uber to downtown Ann Arbor and just walk around. I can't remember if HopCat has pool or not, but I know Babs does.
I've been trying to figure out where to even begin on this, so I guess I'll just write a general write up. I won't get too specific, as I don't want to post things I'm not supposed to post.

Class started as normal, with the usual week long indoc. Paperwork, uniform fitting, etc., We have 18 total in our class, 16 for the 747, and 2 on the 767. Overall, experience level was impressive. A lot of regional captains, a P-3 guy, another corporate guy from China (we have a couple of friends in common), a Cathay Pacific 747 guy, and my sim partner, a 777 captain from Etihad. I don't have an exact breakdown, but that was the general layout of the class.

Week 2 is CBT's at your own pace, and we were also signed off to practice flows, etc., in the FTD, which my sim partner and I took advantage of. This is the first place that signed off students to practice on the FTD's by themselves, so I did appreciate that opportunity. A lot of people went home to "study", and a lot of them have said it was a bad idea to do, as they didn't get much studying done...well duh! Overall, it is absolutely as intense as I thought it wold be. Coming from CAE and Flight Safety training for the last decade+, it is a night and day difference. There is no hand-holding, and if you want to pass, you had better study. At the corporate training centers, you are the client, and we would have competitions on not opening the books for the entire training time. That would get you rocked out of here within a week.

I wasn't sure what to expect coming to an airline. I had toyed with the idea for a while, and still am unsure if it's what I want for the next 19 years. I do miss the corporate lifestyle, but so far, I am extremely pleased with the company. Everybody, and I do mean everybody, has been extremely nice and helpful. We've had times where we're in the hallway talking, and captains, first officers, and check airmen came through and bs'ed with us for 20 minutes about life here. The training department is very friendly. So far, I haven't had any problems with instructors. Our initial instructor was intense, but he definitely set us up for success. All of the instructors I've met are very knowledgeable and helpful. Yes, there is some tough love moments (especially for those that didn't put in the time studying), but they also crack jokes, and try to keep you moving forward.

I have 2 weeks left in training, probably 10 days to 2 weeks at home, then right into IOE, where normal pay will start. I already knew going in that it would be intense, and took it very seriously. Now, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I know on the line, things might change dealing with scheduling, etc., but I'm just going to get the best pajamas possible, and go with the flow for my 16 day rotations. Dozing for dollars is a real thing!!

Like I said in another thread, we're talking about another 150 pilots this year (we're currently at 470-ish), and still expanding. I'm not sure what will happen in the ACMI world, and am still trying to figure it all out, but so far, I'm happy with my decision. Thanks @Cal Goat for helping me get on here and all the help, including study material, and @desertdog71 for answering my questions and pointing me in the right direction. @jhugz thanks for the quizlet info I found that I'm assuming you did!! ;)

It's time to get back into the books, but I'll try to answer any questions when I have time. If anybody is around Ann Arbor, we'll be out on Monday night, hopefully celebrating another stage passed.
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Thanks for the write-up! I have a friend that started there a little bit ago that came from Western Global. He seems to enjoy it.
Well, it's official... I'm done with training and now go to IOE in a couple of weeks. I'm unofficially officially a 747-400 first officer. I'll write up more when I have a chance. It's time to finish paperwork, then go have many beverages!

Remember breakfast at IHOP by the Mall of America and flying the caravan out of KSTP.? Seems like so long ago. Great to follow your success from the sidelines......couldn’t happen to a nicer individual.