New Member
-totally off topic of this thread, sort of, so rant on-
I've been making a living flying for almost 15 years. Having flown everything from small Pipers to Heavies to corporate type jets/turbo props. I STILL MAKE MISTAKES ON ALMOST EVERY FLIGHT! I have all kinds of little rituals I go through to try to minimize those mistakes, but I am human and still make them.
To me, for someone with barely enough total time to be able to spell ILS much less fly one to bash a crew for a mistake almost every pilot in aviation has made or will make smells of elitism and immaturity and I for one don't want that person to end up at a good regional and give my school (UND) a bad name. It takes 10 excellent people to clear up the BS some dip starts.
No one is giving this crew a pass on this mistake and I will guarantee the people being the hardest on them, are themselves. This career sector has taken a hit, a big one and the last thing we need is to start tearing it apart from the bottom up because a bunch of Generation MEs are trying to prove how smart they think they are.
If you honestly think you are smarter and a better pilot than the crew that made this mistake, send a letter and your resume to Mesaba right now and explain how you will prevent this mistake from ever happening again and how you should be allowed to replace these two pilots immediatley.
Tuning the ILS is about the only fool proof way to guarntee that you never do this, I wonder how well that would work for runway 8/26 (9/27 whatever it is now)? We operate in a very unforgiving operation and the smallest of mistakes has huge consequences and someone honestly thinks that getting on JC and lambasting the crew is the way to fix it??? What generation is this again?? Oh yeah the ME ME ME ME ME generation.
I've been making a living flying for almost 15 years. Having flown everything from small Pipers to Heavies to corporate type jets/turbo props. I STILL MAKE MISTAKES ON ALMOST EVERY FLIGHT! I have all kinds of little rituals I go through to try to minimize those mistakes, but I am human and still make them.
To me, for someone with barely enough total time to be able to spell ILS much less fly one to bash a crew for a mistake almost every pilot in aviation has made or will make smells of elitism and immaturity and I for one don't want that person to end up at a good regional and give my school (UND) a bad name. It takes 10 excellent people to clear up the BS some dip starts.
No one is giving this crew a pass on this mistake and I will guarantee the people being the hardest on them, are themselves. This career sector has taken a hit, a big one and the last thing we need is to start tearing it apart from the bottom up because a bunch of Generation MEs are trying to prove how smart they think they are.
If you honestly think you are smarter and a better pilot than the crew that made this mistake, send a letter and your resume to Mesaba right now and explain how you will prevent this mistake from ever happening again and how you should be allowed to replace these two pilots immediatley.
Tuning the ILS is about the only fool proof way to guarntee that you never do this, I wonder how well that would work for runway 8/26 (9/27 whatever it is now)? We operate in a very unforgiving operation and the smallest of mistakes has huge consequences and someone honestly thinks that getting on JC and lambasting the crew is the way to fix it??? What generation is this again?? Oh yeah the ME ME ME ME ME generation.