Future of aviation


New Member
Do any of you think there is going to be a day where the human pilot is not needed and if so, how far out do you see that coming?
I'm more worried about what I saw on Discovery Wings today-- the infamous Aircar, replete with fly-in communities. That would spell the end of airline pilots, not to mention an entirely new way for cell-phone yacking soccermoms to endanger everyone around them. You thought they were bad in SUVs; imagine one shooting an ILS!!
^^Not a chance in hell that's gonna happen anytime soon.... or ever; And planes will always have human pilots.

At least as long as our current generation is alive.
Flying is way too unforgiving for people to start using it as often and as commonly as cars. If there were as many people flying airplanes as driving cars, it'd be a disaster.

I already have to put up with enough stupid people as it is working at K-Mart.
Yeah but it would solve our overpopulation problems... and you'd have less 'stupid people' to deal with at K-mart!
Do any of you think there is going to be a day where the human pilot is not needed and if so, how far out do you see that coming?

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Not on any jet I'll be flying on, no thanks!

Considering about 1 out of every 5 autoland tests I've conducted aren't passable, like hell I'm going to feel comfy having no one in the cockpit to comandere control of the aircraft from the autopilot!
Would you trust a computer to drive your car to work and back?

Then why on earth would you let one fly an airplane un monitored!

The whole "flying without pilots" thing has been around, practically, from day one. It may happen someday but wer're talking many, many, many years down the road (like when we have colonies on other planets).
The last thing I want in a cockpit is:

"Error 2668: Rundll error occured. The program must shut down. Hit enter to crash-land..."

... and who's gonna come up with auto flight computers that replace pilots? Mircosoft ??? Ha.
The future of aviation is an automated cockpit consisting of a Dog and a Pilot. The Pilot is there to feed the Dog and the Dog is there to bite the Pilot if he tries to touch anything.
Do any of you think there is going to be a day where the human pilot is not needed and if so, how far out do you see that coming?

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Actually they have unmanned flights. but there is a controler on the ground controling the plane all the time.

I'm guessing we'd have to figure out how to have cars that don't require human drivers first.

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Has been done. LA had about 1.5 miles of highway cutoff to the public so they can test these cars. And guess what? They work perfectly.
The MD-88 is more or less a big DC-9 with lots of lipstick and makeup -- lots of cables, pulleys and perpetual motion devices and even that thing still requires an occasional control-alt-delete "reboot".

Sometimes the mechanics will almost by default say, "Ok, shut everything down, external power off, battery switch off, wait about 60 seconds and repower the aircraft and see if that works" -- on the ground of course.

I couldn't imagine some of the weird maintenance issues with an Airbus! Ack!
LA had about 1.5 miles of highway cutoff to the public so they can test these cars.

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A 1.5 mile, closed course, controlled environment, is a long, long way from the chaos that is the LA freeway system ... and an even longer way from avoiding thunderstorms, with tops at 60,000, won a MEL flight and landing to mins (although with unmaned, the point would be no mins) and doing that over and over on a consistent basis.

Then you have the "fear factor." The general public just isn't going to accpet it. Now, a few generations down the road when there are none of us left who remember the world without computers and it may be a different story.
Computers cannot think. There are people who actually tell you that computers are smarter than they are, when the truth is, computers cannot do anything that you do not tell them to do.

The big thing that pilot have to do is to execute the best plan with the given situation considering all options. Computers cannot do that on their own. A.I. cannot exist.
Computers cannot think. There are people who actually tell you that computers are smarter than they are, when the truth is, computers cannot do anything that you do not tell them to do.

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Kind of like the Terminator
I don't think anyone's going to want a fully automated system without someone to watch over it in case something goes wrong. It's one thing if a computer hangs up now and you lose a proposal or spreadsheet or something like that.

Imagine the computer crashing and 150 people dying. As long as there's a risk of that happening, you will not see pilotless civilian planes.

The military is a different question, though. They are saying that the JSF will be the last manned military fighter because the airplanes are getting to a point where humans can't fly them to their limits.