Frontier pilot arrested


Well-Known Member
Well this is one way to leave the profession:

Well this is one way to leave the profession:

Id really wait on this one a bit before breaking out the pitchforks…
Just a gentle request, but can we have a different thread about pilots leaving the career in handcuffs? One that doesn't have my name (er, symbology?) attached?

Besides, that pilot might not even be leaving the career. At C5 there was once a captain who got arrested for assaulting a ramper, and he went on to be hired at a legacy, and is now a captain there.
Well this is one way to leave the profession:

Me when HR reviews my “anonymous” survey
Well this is one way to leave the profession:

Genetics is a bitch... how is dude not type 2 diabetic? But I'm very physically fit and pre-diabetic? Thankfully under control now. But I gotta watch it.
Domestic situations are things I steer clear from even commenting on the most part.

I might have missed it but I haven’t seen reports that detail the warrant content.

So many possibilities. Was he aware of a criminal complaint? Was the warrant a result of a missed court date?

Judges are often too quick to sign a warrant. So many warrants and arrests could be avoided with a phone call.

I agree with @derg, we don’t have much to work with here.
I hate the popularity of the court of public opinion in this country. Our local police post mugshots of people and what they’re arrested for on social media. I’d imagine it would be pretty difficult to put that genie back in the bottle if you were falsely accused.
Editorial note: Don’t date or marry crazy. Don’t date folks with substance abuse issues. Even those in recovery are likely to relapse, play the odds.

I have a buddy that is dealing with a domestic violence charge right now. His drunk wife assaulted him and fell down in the process, collecting a few bruises.

Idiotic police policies now almost require an arrest if there’s a domestic violence complaint. Guys usually take the wrap.

Don’t get me wrong, domestic violence is a plague and needs to aggressively policed and prosecuted. That said, good folks that make bad relationship choices are often falsely accused and prosecuted.
I might have missed it but I haven’t seen reports that detail the warrant content.

So many possibilities. Was he aware of a criminal complaint? Was the warrant a result of a missed court date?

Judges are often too quick to sign a warrant. So many warrants and arrests could be avoided with a phone call.

I agree with @derg, we don’t have much to work with here.
@derg knows stuff