Possible Subversive
Mesa's stock is in the hands of the day traders. It has a large short ratio right now. I've still trippled my money with it, but I don't expect anything else until news on Delta ruling (any day now) comes out.
I'm glad this is finally getting attention, even if it does make the public slightly suspicious of us regional crews. I had a pax, newspaper in hand, corner me this morning on my way to the lav on a deadhead and start asking about pilot experience in regional airplanes. I politely told him I've been flying for nearly 10yrs and that we do in fact know what we're doing. The very next leg I had a pax with the audacity to practically step over the FA to poke her head in the cockpit and directly ask me how old I am. I'm sure this will be increasingly common but I dont mind so long as some good comes of it. At the very least pax deserve to know that they are NOT flying on the airline who's paint job is boldly plastered on the side of the aircraft.
The only thing that peeves me about it is the implication that I need to be losing what's left of the grey hair I don't have to be a 'good' pilot in the eyes of the public.
Young guys still think they're bulletproof, old guys are very much aware of their mortality.
As the saying goes, "there are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots".
Hard to argue with that.
Very true words....
Although there will come a day when people will think you're TOO old to do a job and question that as well.
Yeah I'll agree with that. I remember some crazy kid students I had.
Now Qgar, you put me and Hernan up front flying together and it'll look like the teenage rebellion. And thats with his braces OFF!