Honest question, not trying to be rude: why is it important that the stranger standing next to you be aware of your faith? Such personal matters SHOULD be kept to yourself.
p.s., something tells me there ain't no southern baptist churches in the middle east.
thanks i will email themContact them at cadetpilot@etihad.ae ...I think that's it. There will be more assessments next year, but as far as this year is concerned only South Africa and Australia are left.
This only applies to U.S. residents only.
I'm trying to make some sense about those of you who are applying for this opportunity to live in the MIDDLE EAST for 8 YEARS and be OWNED by this company. Why would you fellas want to put yourselfs in this situation when you can just join military aviation. It seems that most of you all have no problem making a commitment for almost a DECADE to a foreign country when you can make the same commitment to the US Armed Forces for less and still get the same training, plus you get to live in the UNITED STATES.
Don't get me wrong, this is a good opportunity, but being obligated for 8 YEARS is an awful long time to give to a middle eastern nation most of you know nothing about. What if you fellas get yourselves into this situation and it dosen't pan out for you. I'm very sure that this company is just not going to let you go home after spending so much money in your training just because your home sick or have a problem adjusting to the culture.
I'm not judging anyone who is considering this, I just would like know why some of you would go overseas to pursue something that you could get here in the USA and get bonus money in the military. Obviously most of you have no problem making a long term commitment to doing something as exciting as aviation. I'm not a recruiter either!
This only applies to U.S. residents only.
I'm trying to make some sense about those of you who are applying for this opportunity to live in the MIDDLE EAST for 8 YEARS and be OWNED by this company. Why would you fellas want to put yourselfs in this situation when you can just join military aviation. It seems that most of you all have no problem making a commitment for almost a DECADE to a foreign country when you can make the same commitment to the US Armed Forces for less and still get the same training, plus you get to live in the UNITED STATES.
Don't get me wrong, this is a good opportunity, but being obligated for 8 YEARS is an awful long time to give to a middle eastern nation most of you know nothing about. What if you fellas get yourselves into this situation and it dosen't pan out for you. I'm very sure that this company is just not going to let you go home after spending so much money in your training just because your home sick or have a problem adjusting to the culture.
I'm not judging anyone who is considering this, I just would like know why some of you would go overseas to pursue something that you could get here in the USA and get bonus money in the military. Obviously most of you have no problem making a long term commitment to doing something as exciting as aviation. I'm not a recruiter either!
I am delighted to see that someone else share's in the same view point I have from the onset of my reading this thread. Very well conveyed, I couldn't have worded it any better.
i couldnt agree more with you...and if you are worried about signing the contract , there are many ways to break it , and in most cases , it is better than signing your life away to a bank and start your career with a debt that will almost never end ,
so unless you are a Rockefeller , training in the Us has become real tough (i'm talking money wise) and even if you make it, you will have to start all the way from the bottom...you got these forlks in the middle east , paying for your training , your living expenses , your child's school ...ect, think about it , its too good to be true , but it is real
I recieved an email today from Etihad stating I have been selected for stage 1 (assessment stage). They asked me in the email to report to NYC on the 25th of August. It is to be an information and testing session. It says though in the email to confirm several things, one of them being that I do not hold a CPL. However I do and I guess that would disqualify me. Otherwise I meet everything else. FYI, I applied to this thing a looong time ago. I am a US citizen and live in NY which is nice too but looks like im out from here. Anyway, just thought Id mention this.