Former Alaska Airlines pilot who tried to shut down engines in-flight shares his story

I have "known a guy" that in the 80's tried those, peyote and other stuff, never any affect a day, let alone a couple, later.

Know nothing about it personally, but this:


From a good friend who’s a self proclaimed drug expert and works in the cannabis industry:

Know nothing about it personally, but this:

View attachment 79406

From a good friend who’s a self proclaimed drug expert and works in the cannabis industry:

View attachment 79408

The guy I know can attest that if you want to get even close to the level of fun that was had the first day, you need to consume 3-4 times as much quantity to get that engine started again. It is just not worth the effort.
Better to set aside time for another experience a month later and start fresh.
Not days later, unless I read it wrong he said he took them days earlier.
I have "known a guy" that in the 80's tried those, peyote and other stuff, never any affect a day, let alone a couple, later.
Yeah I haven’t heard of it lasting days later like that unless it’s an extremely potent strain.
What would some of you have him do?

It's hard to get face time and real life hands on experience on mental health advocacy when you're sitting in prison. So of course he's doing it now.
I would have suggested that he pay cash to talk to therapist, not a psychiatrist and to keep it off the books. I've seen numerous 121 pilots at my former job in the chemical dependency unit as cash pays.
Still can keep your job though. In my non-expert opinion, in his situation he required CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to help deal with his upsetting loss. And not meds.

I’ll have to see how the wording is on the FAA medical app form, which I don’t have in front of me. Visits to (however it’s worded).
Speaking of cell block one. I met a few of the Gilbert Goons, yesterday. Let's just say they're not acting hardcore anymore. That's all that all I can say publicly. I'll have to tell you more over drinks one day.
WTF, these idiots are young-enough to know the contemporary, re-appropriated meaning of "goon."
He also missed a federal court date a few weeks ago. Not a good look.

It sounds like he got a continuance or a reset, I don’t know what the term would be in federal court—essentially getting a lawyer to ask to delay the proceeding.

If he just didn’t appear, they’d arrest him.