Fly for the FAA Administrator

Feds never had automatic 80% pensions, I think the max was 75% and you had to almost die in a position to get that.
Yeah, I did not mean to imply that automatic 80% was the way it was under CSRS. But the general public still seems to think that is what a federal retirement is. The best thing about FERS (if there is one) is the portability if you decide to go to a non-federal job.I knew one guy who went out with 80%. Prior military service helped.And you got sick leave credit with CSRS. FERS you get nothing. Use it or lose it!
They tried to get us to switch over to FERS, but the sales pitch was too much like " Hi, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help" Glad we passed
I remember talking to some folks who also got the pitch for FERS. Apparently, they were shown a video of a hypothetical CSRS retiree, who was like "I want safety and security." The CSRS person was a stupid caricature of a federal employee. The FERS retiree was presented as young and enlightened. Obviously the government was hoping to convert a few CSRS to FERS.