
Its always a shame what some people are willing to say when they're hiding behind a computer monitor. My usual response is "Come say that to my face and lets see what a man you really are." I bet in a real life situation that 9 out of 10 wouldn't do it.

There's a cowardly nature that exists among people that like to blow their mouths. I don't know if thats good or bad.
I really like jetcareers and flightinfo equally. But if I had less than 100 hours I would ask it here first and it should get answered fine. But some topics should get flamed such as.

"yeah, this is my first post and I just got by commercial license. I currently have 230 hours in a c150 and about 22 in a 172rg. I really don't want to flight instruct, do any of you guys know if one of those really small cargo companies like airnet will hire me?"


"I just soloed and I was wondering if flying the C5 would be a good way to build time for the airlines. My recruiter says that the AF would kill to get a guy like me who is going on year number 2 in the CAP."

jetcareers has a very nice no flame atmosphere I must say.
I like both boards also.
One board I "DON'T" like is ilsapproach.

Although there are a few good guys on there, there are a lot of cocky people that just make me want to stay away from there
I find flamers on all sites. Some think it's cool to go from message board to message board flaming certain posters. Don't participate for awhile and the flamers will find different targets.

I think it's great for newbies to start asking questions before commitiing to a flight school, a flying career, or the military. This is an essential preflight planning step. FAQs were created on USENET and IRC for this reason. Jetcareers, flightinfo, SPN, and so on need to create their own FAQ and leave them as the top thread in each forum, or as one link at the top of the forum pages. Unlike gardening or dog training, many aviation questions have two or more answers. Therefore the FAQ needs a yes and a no answer (pro/con), or links to the posts that discuss them.

Some starter questions for a FAQ:
Dear flight school manager, I am a CFI/ATP/CPL, can your school give me a job?
I need a scholarship/sponsorship/free flight training course.
I am in X country and want to train in the U.S., can you issue me a VISA?
Should I go to one of those big flight training companies as they say I will get interviewed by a regional/major/cargo/charter airline?
Should I quit my $50,000 a year job and take out $60,000 in loans to attend X academy?
Should I get a degree?
An aviation degree?
A masters degree?
A high school diploma or a GED?
I can't seem to land the airplane and all we are doing is touch and gos, can you help?
My CFI yells at me, is this normal?

There are many more.

Jedi Nein