First flight with CAP after all the paperwork


Well-Known Member
Before people starting dropping napalm on this thread, I just want to emphasize that the experience I am having with the Beverly Squadron in MA is really good. So, please, I am BEGGING you, just let the CAP abuse rest for just this one thread.

Out here, I did my first check flight with the civil air patrol. They are way more strict than the 141 school I went to in Denver. It was nothing i couldn't handle, but it was an interesting experience. For example, one of the things I learned about in training is how to do a power-off landing. Where I trained, this was simply done with a pretend landing spot and you let the plane drift down to 500 feet above the ground and put the power back in. Not in the CAP! The instructor had me cut the power 2000 feet above the ground and had me land at a local airport runway (2B2 in case you are curious). The first two tries, I overshot the runway (darn 172's glide forever at 68 knots). But, on the third attempt, I landed it! It was really cool to know that i can land the plane safely with no propeller....good skill to know.

Then, we had some added fun by flying at minimal controllable airspeed. I got that sucker down below the end of the white arc with the stall horn blaring and I was able to do a decent 5 degree turn for 180 degrees without stalling. I was surprised that i didnt even have to put power in to maintain altitude (must be all this thick sea air in MA). Again, not something that was done as part of my PPL, but very useful to know just how slow you can go in a 172R (180 conversion).

Finally, we did a BUNCH of landings at KBVY as the wind managed to shift below us and I ended up landing on three out of 4 possible runways (13 landings total...not my record for an afternoon; but darn close). Again, not something i ever saw in Colorado.....there, the wind seemed to stay put (relatively).

And finally: all this entertainment and learning cost me 2.3 on the hobbs and about $140 (less than a 1 hour, no-instructor, rental across the field...ha!).

So, that's it, I just wanted to share about my GOOD experience with CAP and I now know a few more tricks that I didnt know before. And now i know what everyone means about the PPL just giving you a license to learn.

Now, where do i buy one of those cool nomex suits? :)
Glad to hear you had a good day flying.

The skills you mentioned should be included in any PPL course. If you did not get to do them during that training I am glad you go to do it during your flight. I would suggest a commercial cert at some point. During that training you will bring a new level of precision and skills to your flying.
I'm surprised you didn't do that stuff for your ppl. Then again I did all my training part 61...
That's a pre solo requirement for any student of mine.

Seriously... The only time we put power back in on a "power off" landing is when we picked a farmers field to do the landing and had descended below the power lines.

I thought power off (simulated engine out) approaches to a landing in the first 3rd of the runway was in the ppl PTS?
I'm surprised you didn't do that stuff for your ppl. Then again I did all my training part 61...
Same here

That's a pre solo requirement for any student of mine.

Seriously... The only time we put power back in on a "power off" landing is when we picked a farmers field to do the landing and had descended below the power lines.

I thought power off (simulated engine out) approaches to a landing in the first 3rd of the runway was in the ppl PTS?

For all mine, we ended up landing...
For my check ride, we did that right above a pvt airport, luckily i found it right below me, ended up landing there.

Learned to always look below you first too!
Sounds like a good flight and glad you were able to get a little rust off the hinges. :) Again, no need for me to repeat what everyone else has said, just that I was a little surprised that you were learning some of those skills getting ready for your Form 5. But on the other hand...You're already benefitting from CAP by getting those skills. :D

I just got my PPL on Friday :nana2: and it's off to CAP 182s for me now.
Good Job! Glad you got with someone who bothered to show you some pretty important stuff!!!

When I did my PPL, like many others here, I had to demonstrate I could execute a power off landing from the downwind prior to my first solo.

The Commercial is fun! Go for it!

Hmmmm...All my power off stuff was over a farmer's field. I wonder if my 141 school had some incident in the past that they dont do a real landing any longer. Anyway, it was a good experience and thanks everyone for the feedback!

For what it's worth, I ended up doing a bunch of power off landings as i was flying the pattern at was just so much fun to glide the thing in.
For what it's worth, I ended up doing a bunch of power off landings as i was flying the pattern at was just so much fun to glide the thing in.

I just did my first Form 5 yesterday, 2.4 hobbs for a grand total of $160. (expensive gas from signature - plane was $67)

It was basically an IPC and PPL checkride rolled into one. Also the first approaches I've ever flown with steam gauges (well, at least in the last 5 years). Very well maintained A/C btw - I don't think I've ever heard an engine that smooth.
I did that one time where I went from Warrior to DA-20. That was the hardest commercial less that I ever taught because I felt like I was going to stay aloft forever. The Tampico had the same problem as the Arrow, pull the power, look below you.

Congrats on enjoying the flight!