Ferry Pilot Jobs


It's tough to say; it really depends upon the economy. Look at the CFI market 6 months ago. When I finished my Comm, I was offered an interview by a flight school upon completion of my CFI cert which I just got. Right now they simply don't have the work to warrant hiring more CFI's. I'll leave it to the all those economic-minded persons here to deem whether or not it would be prudent to think there will be signs of recovery from the downturn by the end of summer.

I am inclined to say however, it will be difficult to land a job (non CFI/banner tow/traffic watch) with just a wet commercial, by that time period.
Not to count my eggs before they hatch. Hopefully if all goes as planned I will have my Com/Inst by the end of summer. How hard is it to find a ferry job with a fresh cert and 250-270 Hrs?

I may be way off base here but how hard is it to roll a lucky number 7 on a 150 sided dice?

I'd say most instructors get this gig because they have someone that they just started instructing and the student wants to buy their own plane....and the plane they want to buy is across the country.

The second situation I can think of is in aircraft sales when a company buys an aircraft that needs work done on it then flips it for profit after the company does the annual, repairs, or whatever. I believe most of these companies have a pilot/A&P that can do this job already and don't need to hire a pilot off the streets.

As far as the hours go... I used to believe insurance companies run this part of the aviation industry but now I believe it is very often used as a damn good excuse. One will never know for sure.