This is what I've learned from the people who are in charge of the MMPI results. With this test there is a certain range of results which has a "normal" range based on a national average." Since the mass hiring began, they have discovered that some of the people who are already air traffic controllers who retook the test don't quite fit this "national average." They are somewhat "bouncier," which is how the lady explained it to me. (not quite sure what that means.)
She said that if they calculated the data based on the national average, a lot of the controllers who retook the test wouldn't have passed when they first applied, yet oddly enough they turned into great controllers. This resulted in the FAA having to re-evaluate the end results from those who take the MMPI.
After Basics, they had my entire class retake a bunch of psych tests, including the MMPI. They will use the results of my class & all the other classes there to come up with a new "ATC average," which is supposed make it so those "bouncer" people who take the test don't get flagged & have to see a shrink.
So anyway, my whole point is don't feel bad if you have to retake the test & see a shrink. This is probably because you are bouncier than the norm & they are still in the middle of re-evaluating the end results of the test.