For the SAM/RPG, I only threw out 2 flares since I was too busy maneuvering.
The embedded snuck up on me. We were cruising VFR/IMC at block 18-20 and started picking up LGT-MDT rime. Then the St. Elmos fire began followed shortly by electrical interference on the FM radio. Within 30 seconds, as I was taking this in, the MDT turbulence started followed by huge lightning all around the aircraft and hail.....very interesting to see with a canopy. I deviated east but it only got worse, so I swung back north. Tops were now getting reported at 270, with the tanker holding above waiting for us. I had my hands full enough with the WX and trying to manage where, exactly, I was deviating my flight over (numerous restricted areas for active artillery fire that one wouldn't want to penetrate), not to mention having to worry about a second aircraft besides my own. I eventually took us back with the CBs chasing us back to homeplate. TSTMS hit here about 30 minutes after landing. Really a pain in the a$$ cruising through WX with no radar or stormscope.