Embarrasing question night before checkride

You should slap your CFI for not making you have a taxi diagram available to you during ALL of your training at KHWV. I spent over a year at that airport and the taxi routes are not complicated at all. You are going to get a rating and if you can't figure out HWV how are you going to handle ISP or FRG?


How quick we forget we were all student pilots at one time...

If you were a CFI for any amount of time you know that if you change even the slightest thing with a student pilot (using a different runway, different airport, or even a different turn on a taxiway to go to another location) they will revert back to knowing absolutely nothing and will be at a loss as for what to do. You cant blame them, they've never done it before and wont know how until they are shown.

Good luck on your checkride, have your CFI show you how to get there on the airport diagram... and forget the rude comment quoted above.
Thanks 38, well unfortunately it's an uncontrolled airport but I was brought to a site that helps

midisland and uncontrolled? HWV?....Bob O. the DE?

if its HWV, its on the south side of the field, right behind what i think the terminal bldg is. May be too late seeing as how you posted this yesterday.
Hi guys, I wound up finding the FBO just fine. I didn't take offense to that comment and maybe it's just because Im feeling generous. Why? Cause I am a new certified Private Pilot :)!
Contrats for sure...Welcome to the club.

One comment. So many complicated answers...it's an uncontrolled field. why couldn't he just tool around until he found the place? Unless it is a really big airport we are looking at what...like .1 on the hobbs?
The WX conditions were nice. It was a little hazy near Bridgeport but other than that a smooth flight with the occasional chop. The winds picked up a bit but nothing to bad. I really had a wonderful day and celebrated accordingly :).
Sitting behind a computer brings out the bitter in some!

How did the ride go?

Sitting behind a computer doesn't make me bitter at all. What makes me bitter is how you all defend this guy when he doesn't even know how to taxi around his home airport. That kind of thing should be squared away prior to the solo.

I wasn't even faulting him entirely, if his CFI had done his job, this never would of been an issue. (coming from my experience as a Dowling College CFI)