Early Decision


New Member
I am a junior in high school and am hoping to attend the Prescott campus of ER when I graduate high school. Do you guys think I could be accepted *without* early decision with:

-3.0 GPA
-1250 SAT
-200 flight hours
-PPL, Instrument

Thanks for your help. I am trying to decide whether or not early decision will help my admission chances. I really would like to avoid ED to keep my options open, but I from what I have heard, ED helps if you don't have the best grades. True?
You should do fine. I wish I had been in your position when I was in HS. I knew I wanted to fly, but since I didn't have 20/20 vision, I figured it was a lost cause. If only JetCareers had been around then! Oh hell, the internet wasn't even around then, but I digress....

I would try to get that GPA up a few notches to make you more competitive for scholarships. Also, you might want to (please no thrown objects) look into CAP in you area. Looks good on a transcript, and it could help with landing a scholarship.

glad to see you are motivated. But with those kinds of hour, don't go to Embry Riddle and waste your money. Go to a state school, get your CFI and instruct part time. That would be a much better plan in my opinion.

glad to see you are motivated. But with those kinds of hour, don't go to Embry Riddle and waste your money. Go to a state school, get your CFI and instruct part time. That would be a much better plan in my opinion.

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I second that.
I appreciate all of the feedback, guys. Now what if I told you that I wasn't planning on flying at ER, rather at an outside FBO. Would you still advise that I choose a different school?
Well what would you major in at Embry Riddle? I am not going to knock its academics, but I am sure you can find a better program somewhere else for a much cheaper price tag.
Okay, I'm gonna throw my two cents worth (actually, if you figure inflation from the first time I was in college, it's probably a quarter)....

I started out as a theatre major at Mississippi State, got bored b/c I didn't want to be waiting tables or starving as an actor the rest of my life. So I switched to Pre-Vet. Yeah, big jump. The problem with both of those was that they didn't hold my intrest, so I didn't study, so I got irritated with school and dropped out. Moved to Florida and work for Disney, yeah THAT was a great plan....

Fast forward three or four years, and I'm back in school at ERAU, albeit via distance learning. Ya know, now that I've found a major that I'm passionate about, I have fun, and I actually WANT to study.

My point (and there is one in there somewhere), is find something that you are interested in and study that. If it's aviation, great. If it's history, that's cool too. Just make sure it's something you'll stick with. If you plan on flying professionally, they just want to see that you've got it done, not what your major was.
ERAU only cares about how much money you want to spend. But having good grades helps get scholarships, if you can find them.

Glad to see you are going in with some time under your belt.

If you have your heart set on going to ER. You just might. It might be cheeper at a state school, but if you are really looking for great professors, some of the best in the world are at ERAU PRC. As a 2003 graduate, the only thing that bothered me about the academics was the price. If you are willing to pay the price, it is worth it.

I agree that it is best to get your raitings done elsewhere, I am currently at ATP in Jacksonville and have just done my first solo x-country. That is further than ER ever took me. (But I won't go into that story again.)

Anyway, good luck on your decision. It's a hard one. Just do your homework on all your options an make sure you want to pay the price.


Good luck with your decision.

First of all, thanks so much for all of the replies.

Iruppert: I would major in AeroSci.

When I look back at my last couple years, I conclude that I only really apply myself 100% to things that I am passionate about, and one of the few things in that category has been flying. I feel that a school program centered around aviation would receive my true best efforts, and I could excel at a place like ER or any other school with an extensive aviation program.

I would, hopefully, receive good grades and learn a tremendous about aviation at the same time. I am worried that I wouldn't be motivated enough to bust my ass at another program, i.e. non-aviation.

One of the reasons that I have been favoring ER so much, is the amount of good things that I hear about the academics of the place. On the other end, however, I have heard terrible things about the flight program, which is why I have decided to fly at an outside flight school if I go to ER.

If you're planning on an Aeronautical Science degree, they'll make you fly at ERAU. The way I see most people doing it is to become an Aeronautical (Aerospace?) Studies major, and just do flying across the field from ERAU. The latter will save you bookoo dinero. Your choice, really.
So what happens to someone that already has the ratings that this program gives you? Do you still have to do the flight program? I would really like to take that package of classes, but I will already have a lot of the ratings...
since you've got so many hours built up i would say go to the state school. The airlines dont care what the degree is. You should find a degree in something other than aviation that you like, just in case the airlines start struggling

thats my .02
So what happens to someone that already has the ratings that this program gives you? Do you still have to do the flight program? I would really like to take that package of classes, but I will already have a lot of the ratings...

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As I mentioned in another topic in this forum, I started the ERAU program "green," so I'm not really the guy you should be asking for solid information on this. Other than the usual FA109 guys (coming into the AS degree with just a Private ASEL), I've only known a couple guys that came in with more certs/ratings. What ERAU generally has you do is go through a transition course or two, to basically "Riddle-ize" you. You'd have to speak with someone in the staff at ERAU to figure out your specific situation.
Well, I'd love to be man-handled as a pilot for the regionals for a while, then hopefully move up one day to the big time. I thought that ERAU at Prescott would be fun becuase I might be able to get a job at a sightseeing company or something along those lines.

I really don't want to study something other than aviation in college, although I realize that in the airline industry, you need a backup just in case...

Get a management, engineering, engineering technology, or human factors degree instead of the aeronautical science degree. Riddle will still let you take their flying course if you want to pay for it. That way you have a fall back position if times are difficult.
Riddle me this...
Why on earth would you spend over $100k for a college degree when you can get the same education for half the price? I'm assuming your parents are paying right? Otherwise you're going to be spending an additional $60k for the same degree and same ratings you could have gotten elsewhere. If you have an additional $60k to throw around, then by all means, go to Riddle.

Just my two cents...