Do airline flights arrive and depart on time anymore?


Meat Popsicle
Well do they? I’m 0 for 4 this week and I’m not anywhere near Florida.

All united if that matters.
I've been about 50-50 since the meltdown ended but also generally have been having the worst luck for the past couple of months. This week I beat my personal record: 12 hours late. Most everyone got rebooked by then and I was expecting it to be a ferry flight but we had 4 die-hard passengers that waited it out and came with us so it ended up being a live leg. They were supposed to be 5 but the 5th got arrested after losing his • to the red coat who then called the cops. From there it went exactly like how you would imagine something like this would go. Almost got to see someone get tased for the first time but he backed off and got dragged away in cuffs. At least that made for an entertaining end to what was otherwise a brutal day.
Well do they? I’m 0 for 4 this week and I’m not anywhere near Florida.

All united if that matters.
Can’t find data on on-time departure stats, but those are largely irrelevant as on time arrival stats are probably more important. As of April (latest data available), on time arrival stats looked like this:


So some dirty math says United operates 5,000 flights a day, which means 35,000 flights a week. United (as of April) was operating 80% on time arrivals, so there was a one in five chance of arriving late. Homeboy had 4 flights in a row that operated late within a week. So that becomes (1/5)^4, which works out to .16% chance of happening.

@Wardogg you should go play the lottery. You've been pretty lucky!
I always seem to forget that the push delay ACARS shuts up when you block out. After that is not a real delay :)
That's one of the reasons SWAs OTP is so poor. We have 7-10 legs a day booked on these planes with a 45-55 Min turn time. ANY small delays due to MX or weather just becomes a delay be it 10 mins or 1 hour. While some airlines build 2 hours in their ground time between flights...

Also certain airports. I mean, look at EWR, JFK etc, of course Allegiant is going to have or SHOULD have a better on time percentage operating Sanford to Asheville.
My UA flights seem to be consistently late departing, but a large number of them leaving <1-hour late amazingly land on time. Only to be delayed while waiting for a gate to open up.
That's one of the reasons SWAs OTP is so poor. We have 7-10 legs a day booked on these planes with a 45-55 Min turn time. ANY small delays due to MX or weather just becomes a delay be it 10 mins or 1 hour. While some airlines build 2 hours in their ground time between flights...

Also certain airports. I mean, look at EWR, JFK etc, of course Allegiant is going to have or SHOULD have a better on time percentage operating Sanford to Asheville.

We have similar issues at AA, but it has to do with aircraft availability. Most of the issues I have had are due to maintenance and not having a spare aircraft. Since we are stretching everything so thin, anything that causes AOG turns into a 3+ hour delay while we wait for a new inbound. This obviously causes duty time issues, and we are stretched thin on the staffing front, as well, so it just spirals out of control quickly.
We have similar issues at AA, but it has to do with aircraft availability. Most of the issues I have had are due to maintenance and not having a spare aircraft. Since we are stretching everything so thin, anything that causes AOG turns into a 3+ hour delay while we wait for a new inbound. This obviously causes duty time issues, and we are stretched thin on the staffing front, as well, so it just spirals out of control quickly.
I mean, do airlines typically have spare planes sitting around waiting for a mtx swap? Always seemed like it’s more of a robbing Peter to pay Paul type thing. An unused plane ain’t making money, and those leases don’t pay themselves

Kinda like @BobDDuck said, the airline(s) runs majority on time, so kinda strange you haven’t had a single “on time trip” in two months?
We have similar issues at AA, but it has to do with aircraft availability. Most of the issues I have had are due to maintenance and not having a spare aircraft. Since we are stretching everything so thin, anything that causes AOG turns into a 3+ hour delay while we wait for a new inbound. This obviously causes duty time issues, and we are stretched thin on the staffing front, as well, so it just spirals out of control quickly.

This is a great summary for any transportation orientated business. Maximum utilization with minimum down time and any hiccup causes a tsunami downstream. Choose any fleet type business: Planes, boats, trucking (long haul, tow trucks, local delivery…) - too many spares hits the bottom line.