Disrespectful customers


Well-Known Member
The wealthy, just like the poor, has their share of #######s. So I'm not trying to put down all wealthy people as #######s because it certainly isn't true. But I wonder what goes through some of these people's minds that they think they are above everyone. Some people, you greet them and they walk right past you without saying a word. We had an aircraft come in today and as soon as the door opened we greeted the passenger and as he started walking out I extended my arm so as to indicate that I could carry it for him. He doesn't say anything, walks right past me and drops it on the ground by me instead of handing it over. Management has a tendency to side with rude customers so I just decided to dissipate the problem and picked it up.

Anyone want to share any stories of rude customers?:rolleyes:
Oh Lord, do you REALLY want to open up THAT Pandora's box? ;) This thread can go on for about 20 pages, once people get started. :D
I could fill up at least one page myself, and I'm fairly new to the business. :rolleyes:
Not that I'm complaining, I really do LOVE my new career. Best move I ever made. :rawk:
Rude pax you say....WOW WHERE DO I BEGIN......!!! I think one of the main reasons why pax are sooo rude is because they are sooo SPOILED these days, you tell them something they dont want to hear, and they throw a fit screaming like a little kid until the airline gives in. I've seen it tooooo many times, in fact I see it everyday!:panic: I work customer service for OO, and let me tell you, I CANT WAIT TILL I TRANSFER TO FLYT OPS!!! GEEEESH TALK ABOUT PAYING YOUR DUES! :crazy:

A spoiled brat (alternatively spelled spoilt brat) is a child who believes that they are superior to others around them, usually as a result of their parents and/or other educators systematically failing to teach socially acceptable behavior and discipline. The term also carries the connotation of the child's being privileged, as well seldom being subjected to consequences of their actions. However, a child could be perfectly behaved and still be called a brat in a derogatory manner.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoiled_brat :)
Anyone want to share any stories of rude customers?:rolleyes:

It's because you're in Boca! I think the only times we've had charter pax that were really arrogant/cocky it was in Boca. Everywhere else the people are very nice 99% of the time.
It's because you're in Boca! I think the only times we've had charter pax that were really arrogant/cocky it was in Boca. Everywhere else the people are very nice 99% of the time.

Must be. We also get a small share of rude pilots but that's a whole new thread.;)
Oh Lord, do you REALLY want to open up THAT Pandora's box? ;) This thread can go on for about 20 pages, once people get started. :D
I could fill up at least one page myself, and I'm fairly new to the business. :rolleyes:
Not that I'm complaining, I really do LOVE my new career. Best move I ever made. :rawk:

Why not, line service personal have valid opinions on the matter and we take a good amount of it sometimes just to try and make people happy. Sure, it could go on for 20 pages if people post, but I don't think its relevant with other peoples opinions outside of the lineguy relm. There are other boards for that.

Otherwise, I have been boredline with a few people. Most people I see are nice and friendly. I've have one guy start getting mad at me because his credit card wasn't working. Thats about it.
back in the day of my line service career.. And me being the supervisor, i had my FAIR share of $$*$(*@@U#@$@$#@&O*&$(*@&$(*@&$ (thats 5 words btw) of those people. Its amazing b/c the company i worked for was the only one on the field, so we got all the business. The celebrities we had come thru at times were nicer than 90% of the charter aircraft customers. Well.. except the entire WWE group of people who pitched a major tantrum b/c we wouldn't allow them to drive on the ramp to get to their challenger.
Must be. We also get a small share of rude pilots but that's a whole new thread.;)

That is annoying. I really hope that doesn't very often - I would not be happy to hear that pilots treat you guys badly. You guys work your asses off on the line!
Everyone deserves to be respected as human beings, whether it's a ramp agent, tickent agent, flight attendant, janitor, screener, pilot, mechanic, etc.
It always burns me up when people automatically assume that line personnel are stupid and that they have no knowledge whatsoever about aviation or their 172.
I find that generally about 85% of the people that come through are extremely nice (including pilots). The other 15% are either Bonanza pilots/pax or people who just got their first ride on a private plane. Those people usually treat all the line guys like dirt because they think they are hot s###.

We had about 5 planes come in at the same time one day, for people that were going on a golf outing. They all had a personal bag and golf clubs. It was their first time on a private jet and you could tell. We did all the lifting with the clubs and the bags, but not one of the people (at least 20) tipped. When they left the next day, we had the 5 planes from the day before and about 2 more come in to pick these guys up. One of the two was a Gulfstream IV and only then did one of the passengers tip for taking care of their bags.

I know we're doing what we're supposed to be doing, but a tip goes a long way in this business.

We also have a company (a big box store) that comes in once a day with a full load of people who are contractors and whatnot. There is usually only one that will give us the time of day out of the bunch (usually 10 or if the fly the bigger plane, 19).

The company that I mentioned in the above paragraph has some of the nicest pilots though. They came in yesterday, we fueled them and only when they were starting up did we notice that we put 60 gallons in one wing and 140 in the other! The pilots taxied out, then turned around and came back. I talked to the guy, explained the situation and he was totally cool about it. I was expecting a full blown blow up.
I agree with AT. Very seldom do we have a Netjets or other fractional crew be rude to us. Even on the corporate side, often, when the passengers are rude, there are pilots who are nice enough to make up for it.

Passengers are more often rude than pilots. And the pilots who are rude are often the owners of the airplane.

Today we had lightning within 5 miles of the airport so we had to temporarily shut down ramp ops. We had a crew rushing is to get the fueling done because their pax would arrive soon. As I was the fueler, there was no way in hell that I would risk my life for that kind of stuff. My supervisor backed me up (plus nobody else wanted to take the risk) and they taxied over next door to get their fuel. Makes me wonder if as pilots, they allow their passengers to push them into dangerous weather conditions.
I wouldn't have any of it. No job is worth that to me.

In the banking industry it's a bit different. All of the very wealthy people have been super nice to me. It's the white trash that think we owe them something.
I have worked two jobs as a line guy and have had my fair share of rude private pilots getting out of their bananas, Cirrus, or what not airplanes. For the most part the pilots are nice though. And if they are rude, I try to be extra nice and it just pisses them off more. I love it.. Being a pilot myself anytime I fly in somewhere I make it a point to be grateful to the line guys knowing what they go through. The other day I fly a 172 into FXE ( in Ft. Lauderdale, FL) and parked at the Banyan FBO which usually only caters to Gulfstreams and Citations or maybe a Kingair but rarely to a dinky 172 that i pulled up in. The pilot shop is right next-store to Banyan so there was no other place to park the plane but i needed a book. So I taxi in thinking the line guys are like oh boy.. One of the guys has me follow him in his cart over to a spot to park. Hoping I dont bother him anymore then I have to I park the plane and shut it down thinking he drove off to taxi in G-IV or something. I look back up and hes walking over to my plane with chalks and a Red Carpet. He chalks the plane, lays out the red carpet with the Banyan logo on it next to my door. As me and my passenger get out of the plane another guys walks up to us and hands us each an ice cold bottle of water. And let me tell you that thing tasted like gold after just flying and taxing in a 172 down in south Florida this time of year. I was like man, talk about awesome. Definitely made my day. And I was sure to tip these guys. Thanks again Banyan and all my other fellow line guys!!
I had my share of rude people, but I had a couple planes come in with the nicest people in the world in it. One dad and daughter came in on a private jet that they owned. And they visited with me like I was family. I will never forget them. (And it makes my job fun.)