Delta pressing in on SWA

Lots of European carriers file their flights using alpha numeric callsigns instead of just the flight number. Helps to avoid confusion if similar sounding flights are in the area.

Only carrier in the US that does it with any frequency is SkyWest. They will often have the same marketing number in air at the same time or close to it, and you can’t have two with the same number at once. I was once “SlyWest 737 Uniform” going DEN-TUS one day and I may have bet my Captain no one would notice me calling it “SkyWest 737 Unicorn” then some ABQ Center controller went and cost me a case of beer…

When I was at CommutAir we had call signs with letters occasionally. This was usually only done when there were 2 flights with the same number, and one or both was delayed such that they were in the air at the same time.
When I was at CommutAir we had call signs with letters occasionally. This was usually only done when there were 2 flights with the same number, and one or both was delayed such that they were in the air at the same time.

That was what OO did to, although they also seemed to do it as a matter of course in some instances as if they were just expecting us to be delayed. I used to work a trip where the same flight number went LAX-MFR-PHX. The MFR-PHX leg was always a weird one. Which is funny because it was the same plane so it’s not like there was a chance of both legs being airborne at the same time.
Lots of European carriers file their flights using alpha numeric callsigns instead of just the flight number. Helps to avoid confusion if similar sounding flights are in the area.

Only carrier in the US that does it with any frequency is SkyWest. They will often have the same marketing number in air at the same time or close to it, and you can’t have two with the same number at once. I was once “SlyWest 737 Uniform” going DEN-TUS one day and I may have bet my Captain no one would notice me calling it “SkyWest 737 Unicorn” then some ABQ Center controller went and cost me a case of beer…

If I remember correctly, this was also a common practice by a large operator out of Columbus, OH. They add Papa to the call sign, which indicates it was a pink slip aircraft (temporary registration) and had some limitations about routing around international airspace. They couldn't do Buffalo, NY direct to Grand Rapids, MI because of Toronto's airspace, they'd have to go down and around towards Cleveland or Detroit.
The letter is a lot better than what I heard two weeks ago on Chicago Approach. “Frontier 2442, departing, turn right heading 270.” “Frontier 2442 arriving aircraft, descend and maintain 5000.” Same flight number departing and arriving MDW at that same time. Not confusing.
The letter is a lot better than what I heard two weeks ago on Chicago Approach. “Frontier 2442, departing, turn right heading 270.” “Frontier 2442 arriving aircraft, descend and maintain 5000.” Same flight number departing and arriving MDW at that same time. Not confusing.
I landed in Vegas once quite a bit late. We were suppose to continue on as the same flight number, but they got another plane and crew to do the next leg. As we were landing I heard our flight get cleared for takeoff. I was really confused, as was tower.
That's their flight number. Most other countries have no numbers in their registration. They add numbers in their flight numbers when they have two flights with the same number airborne at the same time.
What kind of numbers are they adding their numbers? 😂
Delta used to have that whole DFW hub thing and I'd imagine they retained quite a bit of Texan corporate contracts from those days as a majority of Delta premium flyers apparently do not live in an existing Delta hub and instead connect most always. Sleeper cells.
That is freaking CVG these days. 757s and 767s fly full at times between CVG and ATL. The fact it was also a past hub is obviously a reason but would fall under that "sleeper" category.
Oh no, Delta threatening all those Europe, Asia and Middle East connections served by Southwest.

I dunno if they’re still doing the whole thing where late at night approach works approach, tower, and ground, but my thought even a few years ago was “this place is way too busy for that”
Sure are, I was there just last week on a lateboi.
The letter is a lot better than what I heard two weeks ago on Chicago Approach. “Frontier 2442, departing, turn right heading 270.” “Frontier 2442 arriving aircraft, descend and maintain 5000.” Same flight number departing and arriving MDW at that same time. Not confusing.
Chicago doing Chicago things
Do they still technically have my shop under lawsuit for RNAV RNP? Writ large? Must suck to suck
You’re about 10 years off on that one. A JC member actually went to JNU and did the sightings for the RNP we use up there. Going to the sim tomorrow for my checkout on it.

I’d be more worried about the upcoming SIL y’all might have, than the widget world ;)
You’re about 10 years off on that one. A JC member actually went to JNU and did the sightings for the RNP we use up there. Going to the sim tomorrow for my checkout on it.

I’d be more worried about the upcoming SIL y’all might have, than the widget world ;)
Idk why y’all bothered when you’ll just back out whenever you feel like it, sometimes without a heads up to people who already bought tickets…
You’re about 10 years off on that one. A JC member actually went to JNU and did the sightings for the RNP we use up there. Going to the sim tomorrow for my checkout on it.

I’d be more worried about the upcoming SIL y’all might have, than the widget world ;)

Yeah, by that, I meant at least that long ago. Was the matter settled, legally, eventually? Wouldn't say I even think about the widget world, other than the 90000 texts that blow my phone up every day about whatever flavor of your contract is important that day :)