Delta OAL Dispatcher Jumpseat Exclusion


New Member

Has Delta implemented a policy not allowing any offline dispatchers to list for the jumpseat with them?

It’s been hard getting a straight answer at my shop (121 supplemental cargo) about this, but our jumpseat committee chairman has heard something to this end and is digging deeper into it.

Thank you!
I find this hard to believe. It’s possible your airline being supplemental lost your agreement
I dont know know if its true but I can see an airline doing this at some point. Dispatch groups have a lot of company guys and some airlines put dispatch management into CASS. A lot of dirty laundry and operational rumours are aired out in a cockpit that an airline might not want the other airlines management to hear about.

Pilots can be corporate spies too but the pilot unions will die fighting on that hill. Airlines wont ever touch that. Dispatchers are a small group that rarely complains or pushes back so an airline would easily be able to do it.
I dont know know if its true but I can see an airline doing this at some point. Dispatch groups have a lot of company guys and some airlines put dispatch management into CASS. A lot of dirty laundry and operational rumours are aired out in a cockpit that an airline might not want the other airlines management to hear about.

Pilots can be corporate spies too but the pilot unions will die fighting on that hill. Airlines wont ever touch that. Dispatchers are a small group that rarely complains or pushes back so an airline would easily be able to do it.

You’re overthinking things.

Has Delta implemented a policy not allowing any offline dispatchers to list for the jumpseat with them?

It’s been hard getting a straight answer at my shop (121 supplemental cargo) about this, but our jumpseat committee chairman has heard something to this end and is digging deeper into it.

Thank you!

AFAIK Delta has only ever let you list as a “non rev”. If you’re trying online (MyIDTravel) you cannot list as a jump seater. Delta is one I’ve always just checked in at the gate and listed there. Now, YMMV based on the gate agents mood that day.

It’s not a stretch to say an airline might ban offline dispatchers especially with airlines giving non-dispatch qualified managers the same CASS benefits as qualified dispatchers.
An whistleblower call to the TSA or FAA might go a long way to straighten up the access list… just saying.
AFAIK Delta has only ever let you list as a “non rev”. If you’re trying online (MyIDTravel) you cannot list as a jump seater. Delta is one I’ve always just checked in at the gate and listed there. Now, YMMV based on the gate agents mood that day.

An whistleblower call to the TSA or FAA might go a long way to straighten up the access list… just saying.
Let’s all calm the freak down.

Note: I’m not management. But we’re all airline employees. The rising tide raises all boats you know.
AFAIK Delta has only ever let you list as a “non rev”. If you’re trying online (MyIDTravel) you cannot list as a jump seater. Delta is one I’ve always just checked in at the gate and listed there. Now, YMMV based on the gate agents mood that day.
They won't let you reserve the seat if not at DL. BUT jumpseaters are welcome to list at the gate (or ticket counter) for the jumpseat. I have taken them many times that way. Priority system is DL (naturally), 9E, other connection carriers, then other airlines in CASS.
I have JSed on Delta many times, just list at the gate and wait for the seat. I dress nicely and always introduce myself to the crew and thank them in advance for the ride.

Alaska has offered me a ride up front if needed but have never had to take them up on that offer. The one time were I would have, I woud have been the 2nd jumpseater so I kindly declined at waited for the next one.
When I was at a 121 supp cargo airline, I did have issues with Delta as well. The problem came from their listing software. It seemed that "dispatcher" wasn't a selectable drop down item in the gate agent computer. The work around was to list as a pilot, because their system pulled cass only for pilots, and dispatchers would show up that way. The gate agents could only select pilot or flight attendant.
When I was at a 121 supp cargo airline, I did have issues with Delta as well. The problem came from their listing software. It seemed that "dispatcher" wasn't a selectable drop down item in the gate agent computer. The work around was to list as a pilot, because their system pulled cass only for pilots, and dispatchers would show up that way. The gate agents could only select pilot or flight attendant.
The system is able to select dispatchers, however the "modern" GUI is very basic and doesn't have the dropdown option for dispatchers. IF they have been with the company a while and know the commands, they are able to do it through what they call DLterm. But agreed, easiest to just list as a pilot and call it a day.
I believe that goes for any OAL jumpseater at any airline
Have you or anyone been on ID90 lately? Listed for a jump seat last night, and it very obviously states use for FA/ pilot commuting only. What does that mean for dispatchers? I’ve JS many many times and am familiar with it. But this, makes me feel a little meh
Have you or anyone been on ID90 lately? Listed for a jump seat last night, and it very obviously states use for FA/ pilot commuting only. What does that mean for dispatchers? I’ve JS many many times and am familiar with it. But this, makes me feel a little meh
It's always said that. My instructions were to list as a pilot. I think that question is more of "do you have access to ride in the flight deck"
Have you or anyone been on ID90 lately? Listed for a jump seat last night, and it very obviously states use for FA/ pilot commuting only. What does that mean for dispatchers? I’ve JS many many times and am familiar with it. But this, makes me feel a little meh
Atlas and Hawaiian have a dispatcher drop down on id90, but AA or Southwest, list as a pilot
At my regional carrier, the only airline I have to list for on MyIDTravel prior to arriving to a gate is on Southwest, as they don't have the ability to create a listing at the gate on their reservation system. I have never had an issue requesting the JS on Delta.
Some airlines don't allow supplemental Dispatchers in the js. They can flow through to the back if there us a open seat.