Delta GPU connect fire SEA

It is simple. Even if shutting off power from the source, there will still likely be some residual flames. A flightline extinguisher has about a 20-30 foot reach, so don’t even need to get near the connection receptacle, and would probably use less than 2 lbs of the 150/300lb wheeled halon/halotron bottle.

Instead, all that’s missing here in this video is the Benny Hill clown show music.
Yep ...

My experience is that people don't respond well to things beyond their control.

No hero here, so please don't interpret this in that way.

Been present for two choking episodes, a person passed out on a hot night at a concert, an electrical fire in my own home, and a grease fire next door (exacerbated by an initial wrong approach to the problem).

Most problems can be mitigated by early and correct intervention, at least in my experience.

Professional/volunteer help is always minutes away ... minutes which matter in terms of life and property loss. Try as I do to encourage and provide training, or direct to same, most people are "too busy" or don't care enough to learn how to help🤷‍♂️
Not sure what caused it to torch. I know it was dark outside when it happened.
I remember seeing one of the above mentioned for the first time, one winter morning. I was in the terminal and the engine blew black then a whole hell of a lot of white smoke. The pax sitting in the terminal all started freaking out. The gate agent had to reassure everyone that it was okay and routine.
Yep ...

My experience is that people don't respond well to things beyond their control.

No hero here, so please don't interpret this in that way.

Been present for two choking episodes, a person passed out on a hot night at a concert, an electrical fire in my own home, and a grease fire next door (exacerbated by an initial wrong approach to the problem).

Most problems can be mitigated by early and correct intervention, at least in my experience.

Professional/volunteer help is always minutes away ... minutes which matter in terms of life and property loss. Try as I do to encourage and provide training, or direct to same, most people are "too busy" or don't care enough to learn how to help🤷‍♂️

There are flightline extinguishers. So I imagine ramp people are trained on them. But if they aren’t, then why, and also who would those extinguishers then be intended for?

Looks like with an evac at the gate, it’s going to be every pax for themselves. No ramp supervisor exercising any form of command, direction, or initiative, much less the rampers themselves.

It would be one thing if there were no ramp fire extinguishers. Then there would be little they could do besides call ARFF and assist those coming down slides.
There are flightline extinguishers. So I imagine ramp people are trained on them. But if they aren’t, then why, and also who would those extinguishers then be intended for?

Looks like with an evac at the gate, it’s going to be every pax for themselves. No ramp supervisor exercising any form of command, direction, or initiative, much less the rampers themselves.

It would be one thing if there were no ramp fire extinguishers. Then there would be little they could do besides call ARFF and assist those coming down slides.
Agreed. But, honestly, wasn't this a relatively minor event which could have been controlled with relative ease?

IDK. Wasn't there, of course, but wish people would take seriously their need to learn basic first aid, how to use a fire extinguisher, and CPR/Heimlich.

As you know, there is no first responder who can arrive more quickly than someone "on the scene."
Virtual shop had while taxiing in, one cell phone do a thermal battery runaway. You’re already on the ground. FA sees smoky device, gets a halon extinguisher and discharges it on the phone. It was smoky. Not an open flame. That’s a different discussion, proper halon extinguisher usage.

Personally? I would have taken the Battery Containment Bag, put on those gloves, stuff the phone in the bag, zip it shut, lock it in the aft Lav as per procedure, inform pilots, and continue to the gate. But because the halon was used, it created a smoky cabin, people had trouble breathing, and a decision was made to evac. It resulted in several injuries, the worst of one being a broken elbow.

Completely unnecessary evac. But it was forced because of an improper decision to discharge halon on a non-open flame.
Cold start? First start of the day?

I have questions. I assume the NG is like the classic. @MikeD If an overwing door opens, that’s a master caution light with an overhead panel door light. I mean, right? Right? So not sure how the guys up front can be clueless that a door opened. Especially an overwing door, that’s a fair indication there’s an evac happening.
I have questions. I assume the NG is like the classic. @MikeD If an overwing door opens, that’s a master caution light with an overhead panel door light. I mean, right? Right? So not sure how the guys up front can be clueless that a door opened. Especially an overwing door, that’s a fair indication there’s an evac happening.
Lol, you're really going in on this topic regarding another shops SOP, when you should really stay in your lane, as you recently told me.
Lol, you're really going in on this topic regarding another shops SOP, when you should really stay in your lane, as you recently told me.

More so questioning how someone can open an overwing emergency exit, evac the plane, and the pilots are clueless. I can't speak for the 737 Classics (which is what the tale seems to imply), but on A320/B737NG families, opening the overwing exit would definitely light up the flight deck and alert the pilots.
I feel like if we are expecting people with very minimal training to act rationally and have a big picture mindset during a fire we are going to be disappointed.

I do expect someone like a ramp supervisor, to act akin to a ramp NCO and either direct, or act, in a competent rational manner and with just even an ounce of initiative. Otherwise, why have the title. Or anyone else who is wandering around like a mindless drone.

Or for that matter; why bother having flightline fire extinguishers at the gate when they are nothing more than a decoration.
I do expect someone like a ramp supervisor, to act akin to a ramp NCO and either direct, or act, in a competent rational manner and with just even an ounce of initiative. Otherwise, why have the title. Or anyone else who is wandering around like a mindless drone.

Or for that matter; why bother having flightline fire extinguishers at the gate when they are nothing more than a decoration.

I am exactly 0% surprised at this outcome, in terms of response time and inaction. Not even a dig at Delta, I'm speaking of ground ops, both ramp and airport.
I have questions. I assume the NG is like the classic. @MikeD If an overwing door opens, that’s a master caution light with an overhead panel door light. I mean, right? Right? So not sure how the guys up front can be clueless that a door opened. Especially an overwing door, that’s a fair indication there’s an evac happening.

Nope, not on Jurassic/Classic. All we have is forward/aft entry doors (left), forward/aft service doors (right), forward/aft cargo doors, and air stair (if equipped) and equipment bay door lights.

Difference is the Jurassic/classic with the plug overwing doors, versus the NG-onward which have an actual door that opens upward and outward, and thus has a warning attached to it.
Nope, not on Jurassic/Classic. All we have is forward/aft entry doors (left), forward/aft service doors (right), forward/aft cargo doors, and air stair and equipment bay door lights.

Difference is the Jurassic/classic with the plug overwing doors, versus the NG-onward which have an actual door that opens upward and thus has a warning attached to it.

Wow. Did not know that. That is nuts :(
I do expect someone like a ramp supervisor, to act like a ramp NCO and either direct, or act, in a competent rational manner and with just even an ounce of initiative. Otherwise, why have the title.

Or for that matter; why bother having flightline fire extinguishers at the gate when they are nothing more than a decoration.

I'd love for you to be running ramp safety. Sadly, that's just not how things are.